Welcome to Ventura College Welcome to our new Schedule of Classes. For the past year, we have been adding information pages in Spanish to our traditional Schedule of Classes. We are now offering a publication that fully integrates the information in both languages we feel that every student, whether new or returning, needs to have to make their educational decisions. We have reorganized the Schedule, making the class listings more accessible; added graphics that we hope will make it more “user-friendly”; and made numerous other changes. Start 2004 on the right note – plan for your future and make those New Year’s resolutions reality. We can help you accomplish those academic, personal, and professional goals. Ventura College is one of Ventura County’s greatest resources and a true bargain! We are here to help you advance your job skills, learn another language, embark on a whole new career, work on your associate’s degree or certificate of completion, or prepare to transfer for your four-year degree. Ventura College can fit into your schedule. We are a community leader in distance learning courses, making classes available to fit your needs, and we offer classes during the day and evenings and in numerous locations, including our East Campus in Santa Paula, the Ventura main campus and several local high schools. Learn more about Ventura College at www.venturacollege.edu! On behalf of the administration, faculty and staff of Ventura College, I invite you to join us this spring and start on the path to your personal and professional success! Larry A. Calderón, Ed.D. President Bienvenidos al Ventura College Bienvenido a nuestro nuevo programa de clases. Desde el año pasado, hemos estado añadiendo información en las páginas de español a nuestro programa de clases. Ahora estamos ofreciendo una publicación que completamente integra la información en las dos lenguas que sentimos los estudiantes, ya sean nuevos estudiantes o los que están regresando, necesitan para hacer sus decisiones educacionales. Hemos reorganizado el programa, haciendo el listado de clases más accesible; incluyendo gráficas que esperamos hagan su uso más fácil, así como muchos otros cambios. Comenzando en el 2004-planee para su futuro y haga esas resoluciones de Año Nuevo una realidad. Nosotros le podemos ayudar a lograr sus metas académicas, personales y profesionales. Ventura College es uno de los mejores recursos en el condado de Ventura y ¡son una verdadera ganga! Estamos aquí para ayudarle a avanzar en sus habilidades en el trabajo, aprender otro idioma, embarcarse en una nueva profesión, obtener un título asociado, certificado, o prepararse para transferirse a una universidad para obtener su licenciatura. Ventura College se acomoda a su horario. Somos lideres en los cursos a distancia, haciendo los horarios de clases accesibles a sus necesidades, y ofreciendo clases durante el día y en la noche. Así como en diferentes lugares; incluyendo nuestro East Campus en Santa Paula, Ventura College en Ventura, y en varias escuelas preparatorias del condado. Conozca más sobre Ventura College visitando nuestra Web www.venturacollege.edu! En nombre de la administración, facultad, y personal de Ventura College, lo invito a inscribirse este semestre de primavera, para comenzar e camino a su triunfo profesional y personal. Larry A. Calderón, Ed.D. Presidente El pago de registración debe de ser cubierto immediatamente. Important Notice! Nonpayment Drops for Spring 2004 Es importante notificar al estudiante que cualquiér deuda que no sea cubierta en los próximos días después de la registración, All fees are due IMMEDIATELY. Please note that fees not paid le ocasionará clases siendo dadas de bajá. También, falta de within seven days of registration will result in the classes being pago resultara en el cancelamiento del privilegio de registrarse. dropped. In addition, nonpayment will result in suspension of Además, se aplicará una detención en sus calificaciones, registration privileges and a hold being placed on grades, transcripts, certificados y cualquiér otro tipo de información referente a sus and other records. It remains the responsibility of the student to archivos. Las clases que sean canceladas después de la fecha officially drop a class. Students who drop after the refund deadline límite, será responsabilidad del estudiante cubrir la deuda de will still be responsible for all fees owed. su registración previa. The schedule is available in alternate formats upon request. Please call the Educational Assistance Center at (805) 654-6300. NEW STUDENTS!TABLE OF CONTENTS NEW STUDENTS!TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents Classes/Clases Distance Learning Classes .............................................. 13 Emeritus Institute .............................................................. 70 Off-Campus Classes ........................................................ 66 Short-Term Classes ......................................................... 12 Schedule of Classes ........................................................ 16 Curriculum, Degrees & Certificates Offered ................. 14 Degree Requirements (AA/AS) ........................................ 95 Directories/Directorios Campus Services ........................................................... 110 Faculty ............................................................................. 109 Fees/Cuotas ....................................................................... 74 Final Exam Calendar/Los Examenes Finales Calendario ........................................................ 72 Financial Aid ...................................................................... 75 Forms/Formularios Application for Admission................................................ 99 Aplicacion para Ayuda del Gobierno Federal .............. 105 BOGW (Fee Waiver Application) ................................... 103 Declaracion de Residencia Legal ................................. 102 Fee Payment ................................................................... 107 Fee Refund Request Form ............................................ 108 Legal Residence ............................................................. 100 Parking Permit Request Form ....................................... 107 Solicitud de Admision .................................................... 101 New Students/Estudiantil Nuevo Steps for Enrolling/Ingreso ................................................ 3 Application for Admission................................................ 99 Orientacion, Avaluacion y Asesoramiento ....................... 8 Orientation, Assessment, Advisement Calendar ............. 5 Solicitud de Admision .................................................... 101 Policies and Information/Informacion y Reglamento .. 82 Prerequisites for Math, English & Microbiology .......... 11 Registration/Inscripcion Calendar.............................................................................. 7 Calendario de Primivera .................................................. 10 Directriz de Inscripcion ...................................................... 9 Registration Guidelines ..................................................... 6 Payment Options .............................................................. 74 Transfer Requirements CSU ................................................................................... 97 IGETC ................................................................................ 96 Special Programs/Programas Especiales Centro de Asistencia Educativa ...................................... 81 EAC .................................................................................... 80 East Campus .................................................................... 80 East Campus en Santa Paula.......................................... 81 Support Services/Servicios de Asesoria Child Development Center .............................................. 76 El Centro para Mujeres y Re-ingresantes ...................... 79 EOPS ................................................................................. 76 EOPS en Espanol ............................................................. 78 La Oficina de Actividades Estudiantiles ......................... 79 Programs Para Cuidado de Ninos .................................. 78 Student Activities Office ................................................... 77 Women's & Re-entry Center ............................................ 77 What's New at VC! .............................................................. 73 Enrolling at VC Is As Easy As 1, 2, 3. 1. APPLY: A. Online: . Go to www.venturacollege.edu . Click on Student Central . Click on Apply for Admission B. Or Complete the Application on page 99. 2. GET COUNSELING Sign-up for and attend a one-day New Student Assessment, Orientation & Advisement session. See page 5. 3. REGISTER FOR CLASSES . By WebSTAR online or . By STAR telephone system or . In-person at the Admissions & Records Office. See page 6. Reasonable accommodation in the assessment process, including alternate formats, is available upon request, for students with disabilities. Prior arrangements must be made with Steve Manriquez. Call (805) 654-6402. See page 5. For additional information, call (805) 654-6448. ¡NUEVOS ESTUDIANTES! Inscribirse en el Colegio de Ventura es tan fácil como contar uno, dos, tres. 1. SOLICITAR A. Por el Internet: . Vaya a www.venturacollege.edu . Oprima: Student Central . Oprima: Apply for Admission (solicitud en Inglés) B. O complete la solicitud en la página 101. 2. RECIBA ASESORAMIENTO Inscribase y asista a un día de Evaluación, orientación y consejeria académica para nuevos estudiantes. Llame al número 654-6484 para asistencia. 3. INSCRIBASE EN SUS CLASES . Por WebSTAR o . Por el sistema telefónico STAR o . En persona en la oficina de admisión. Llame al número 654-6484 para asistencia. Cuando usted complete los pasos Uno y Dos, usted será elegible para registrarse con prioridad. Acomodaciones razonables para el proceso de evaluación incluira materiales de formatos alternativos que son disponibles para los estudiantes con discapacidades si los solicitan. Hacer una cita con el señor Steve Manriquez. Front Cover: students take a creative break near the Art buildings. Back Cover: students enjoy a quiet place to study near the Math/Science building. Cover design by Barbara Harvey. Portada: los estudiantes toman un descanso creativo cerca de los edificios del arte. Cubierta trasera: los estudiantes gozan de un lugar reservado para estudiar cerca del edificio de la matemáticas y de la ciencia. Fotos y diseño: Barbara Harvey, maestra del arte. ONLINE INFORMATION ONLINE INFORMATION Visit Ventura College Online www.venturacollege.edu Use Quick Links to: Apply Online Register Online Search for Classes Online (Click on Schedule of Classes) Check and Pay Your Fees Online (Click on Fees) Use WebSTAR to: Apply Online Register Online View or Pay Fees with Visa or Mastercard Check Grades Update Contact Information MATRICULATION FOR NEW STUDENTS MATRICULATION FOR NEW STUDENTS – New Students – Orientation, Assessment and Advisement English Placement Guide Instructions Enrollment in many English courses requires meeting Please arrive at all assessment sessions 15 minutes early. prerequisites. Prerequisites (proof of readiness) can be You must be on time for all assessment sessions. No satisfied in one of the following ways: one will be seated late. You must bring a completed 1) Placement as measured by the Ventura College application or have one on file in the Admissions & assessment process; Records Office. Know your social security number or 2) Satisfactory completion of the required prerequisites student ID number. You must purchase a parking course at Moorpark, Oxnard, or Ventura College; permit for a dollar ($1) at the machine near the flag 3) Satisfactory completion of the prerequisite course at pole, near the Administration Office (facing Telegraph another college, transcripts required. Road). This permit will allow you to park in any student For information about prerequisites, see the Ventura College lot for the entire day. Please allow ample time to park Schedule of Classes and/or Catalog. and arrive at the testing site. See map on page 111 for Reasonable accommodation in the assessment process, location. There will be a lunch break for Saturday sessions including testing materials in alternate formats, is available following assessment, so you may choose to bring a sack upon request for students with disabilities. Prior lunch. You may also choose to attend the assessment, arrangements must be made with the alternate media orientation or advisement sessions individually on any specialist at (805) 654-6300. Additional test dates may be scheduled day as they fit your schedule. available. Call (805) 654-6402 for information. New Students! Receive .5 unit credit for a nominal fee by completing matriculation. If you want .5 unit of credit, you will be charged for the course plus the health fee. NEW Online GW V01A DISCOVERING THE RIGHT CAREER - 1 unit This course focuses on becoming aware of one's interests, skills, and abilities through testing and other means of self-analysis. The student will study the job market and employment trends. Various research resources will be explored. The course will teach decision-making skills to assist the student in making appropriate career choices. Orientation time: 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., in the Transfer and Career Center (E Bldg.). Additional class meetings will be announced at the orientation. CRN: 38335 Instructor: Aseneth Cota Note: 8-week class from 1/12/04 to 3/5/04. Orientation meeting: Thursday, January 15. CRN: 38336 Instructor: Aseneth Cota Note: 8-week class from 3/8/04 to 5/12/04. Orientation meeting: Tuesday, March 9. GW V02A COLLEGE ORIENTATION -1 unit This course is designed to provide new students with an overall orientation to facilities, programs and services at Ventura College. Students will explore occupational, certificate and degree programs, transfer opportunities, and complete the college assessment and student educational plan. CRN: 38337 Instructor: Aseneth Cota Note: 8-week class from 3/8/04 to 5/12/04. Orientation Meeting: Thursday, March 11, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., in the Transfer and Career Center (E Bldg.). On-campus meetings will be required. Additional meetings will be announced at the orientation. Sign-up at least two days before the orientation session you plan to attend. To do this, call our Counseling Department at (805) 654-6448. Check with VC's Web site or the Counseling Office for other on-going orientation, testing, and advisement sessions. Consider taking our Web orientation class (GW V02A) that starts March 8. Please Read Saturdays: Room U-1 Nov. 15, 22, Dec. 6, Jan. 3, 10, May 8, 15 English Assessment Math Assessment 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Orientation Advisement 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. East Campus at Santa Paula A one-day matriculation session is scheduled at the VC East Campus, 105 Dean Drive, Santa Paula. For more information, call (805) 525-7136. Saturday: Room 20 December 6, May 8 English Assessment Math Assessment 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Orientation Advisement 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. 5 REGISTRATION GUIDELINES Special Admissions New Students Continuing Students Returning Students Students REGISTRATION GUIDELINES Special Admissions New Students Continuing Students Returning Students Students If you have never attended If you have attended If you last attended Moorpark, Ventura College: Moorpark, Oxnard or Ventura Oxnard, or Ventura College . Apply by mail, in-person or College within the past two more than two semesters ago: Apply ONLINE! See below. semesters: . Call the Admissions Office . Complete Matriculation and . Look up your priority at (805) 654-6457 to update get an early registration registration appointment your student information and date! See page 5. online at: get your registration . Register ONLINE by phone www.venturacollege.edu appointment. or in-person. See below or . Register ONLINE, by phone, . Register ONLINE, by phone, Calendar on page 7. or in-person. See below. or in-person. See below. . Pay your fees within 7 days . Pay your fees within 7 days . Pay your fees within 7 days or you will be dropped. or you will be dropped. or you will be dropped. Registration for Registration for Registration for Matriculated New Students Continuing Students Returning Students Starts December 3 Starts November 17 is December 3 You must apply and register in-person if: . You are a K-12 student. Call the Admissions Office (805) 654-6457. Requires "Special Admission" form from your school. Registration for K-12 Students begins December 3 All paperwork must be completed prior to registration. . You are an International Student attending on an F-1 or other Visa. Call for information: (805) 654-6313. ONCE YOU ARE REGISTERED, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL FEES! Online Registration 24 Hours a Day! Telephone Registration In-Person Registration www.venturacollege.edu (805) 384-8200 (805) 654-6457 Student Central Telephone Admissions Office November 17 - January 23 January 5 - January 23 November 17 - January 23 M-Th: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Apply and register M-Th: 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Fri.: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. online at the Fri.: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. STAR will not be available during winter break, Dec. 20 - Jan. 4, 2004 VC Internet Café HOT TIPS FOR REGISTRATION! . To access VC online registration services: * Go to www.venturacollege.edu * Click on Student Central. * Select "Apply for Admission" to apply or WebSTAR to register, add, drop, or pay fees. * Expect a response to your application in three working days. * Expect a confirmation of your registration in two weeks. . To access VC "STAR" telephone registration: * Call (805) 384-8200. * Line may be busy, please call back. * Have your CRN's ready to enter. . Your ID number is an assigned ID number that has replaced the social security number for I.D. purposes. . Your pin is your date of birth until you change it by going online to www.venturacollege.edu, click on Student Central, sign-in and select "Personal Services." . Pay your fees within 7 days or you will be dropped. * Online or by phone with Mastercard or Visa. * Mail checks to: VC Student Business Office, 4667 Telegraph Rd., Ventura, CA 93003. * Pay in-person at Student Business Office (Include ID # on check). . You may not be able to register online or by phone if you: *Have outstanding fees or obligations. *Are a Special Admission (K-12 or International Student). *Are subject to dismissal for academic standing. See your counselor and register at the Admissions Office. *Are registering in a class that needs an instructor’s signature. *Are registering for more than 19.5 units for the semester (9.0 for summer). Register in as many classes as you can, and see a counselor for an “Overload Petition” for remaining classes. *Have not completed the prerequisite(s) for that class. See page 11 for more information. . Add and drop your own classes! *It is your responsibility to add and drop your own classes. *Be sure you are registered in all classes before the registration deadline or you may not receive a grade in the class. *Be sure that you drop classes online, by phone or at the Office of Admissions & Records or you may receive an "F" grade in the class. Don't wait for the instructor to drop you. You must complete prerequisites! Prerequisites are strictly enforced. See page 11. THE REGISTRATION CALENDAR IS ON PAGE 7. REGISTRATION CALENDAR REGISTRATION CALENDAR January 12 – May 19, 2004 WebSTAR Internet Address: .............................................. Click on Student Central at www.venturacollege.edu STAR Phone Number ............................................................................................................................... (805) 384-8200 Don't have access to a computer? Use the Ventura College Internet Café. Continuing students' appointments available online. ...................................................................................... week of Nov. 3 EOPS, EAC, CalWORKs student priority registration online or in-person. .............................................................. Nov. 11 Continuing students register online or by phone. By appointment only. ................................................................. Nov. 17 Returning students register online or by phone. By appointment only. ..................................................................... Dec. 3 Call the Admissions & Records Office (805) 654-6457 for your registration appointment. New Matriculated students register online or phone. By appointment only. ............................................................. Dec. 3 Complete orientation, assessment, advisement by Nov. 22. See page 5. Special admission K-12 students register in-person at Admissions & Records Office. See page 6. ................... Dec. 3 All students may register online or by phone with no appointment necessary. ........................................................ Dec. 8 Walk-in registration for all students at Admissions & Records Office. .................................................................... Jan. 5-9 First day of Spring 2004 classes. ................................................................................................................................... Jan. 12 First day of Saturday classes. ......................................................................................................................................... Jan. 17 Late registration by online, phone or walk-in. ......................................................................................................... Jan. 12-23 To register in a closed class you must attend the class and get an add authorization code from the instructor. Closed classes may be added in-person or online using WebSTAR. See WebSTAR information above. Holiday. No classes in session. ..................................................................................................................................... Jan. 19 Holiday. No classes in session. ............................................................................................................................... Feb. 13-16 Spring Break. No classes in session ........................................................................................................................... April 5-10 Final Exams. .................................................................................................................................................................. May 13-19 Last day of semester ......................................................................................................................................................... May 19 Graduation .......................................................................................................................................................................... May 20 IMPORTANT SPRING 2004 DEADLINE DATES The following dates apply to full-semester classes that meet from January 12 – May 19, 2004. If your class is a short-term or extended class with different meeting dates, call the Admissions Office at (805) 654-6457 for deadline dates. Last Day to Last Day to Drop Last Day to Drop Last Day to Drop Last Day to File Last Day to Last Day to Add a Full-with Full Refund Full-Semester with Partial or Revoke a Apply for Spring Drop a Full- Semester or Credit. All Class with No Refund of Credit or No 2004 Graduation Semester Class Class. Students/Full" W" Nonresident Credit Request. or Certificate of with a "W." No Semester Only. Fees. Nonresident Achievement. Drops of Full- and International Semester Students Only. after this date. January 23 January 23 February 6 February 6 February 17 March 12 April 23 Deadlines will be strictly enforced. Students who petition for extensions to published dates must have documented proof of extenuating circumstances. Deadlines for short-term classes vary depending on the length of the class. Check deadline dates online at WebSTAR under the "Class Search" option or contact the Records Office for dates (805) 654-6457. GENERAL WORK EXPERIENCE AND INTERNSHIP GENERAL WORK EXPERIENCE AND INTERNSHIP Qualifications & Meeting Dates . Eligibility: Must be enrolled in 7 units which may include work experience/internship units. . Attend: one mandatory orientation meeting. New first-time students only. . Credit: 1 unit for 75 hours of paid work. 1 unit for 60 hours of unpaid/volunteer work For More Information Call (805) 654-6350 . Cooperative Work Experience: Maximum 3 units per semester for a total of 6 units. OrientationMandatory Meeting Times you must attend one session! DAYDATETIMETues. Jan. 13 1:00 p.m. Wed. Jan. 14 1:00 p.m. PlaceCollege Cafeteria Work Experience WEXP V95 WORK EXPERIENCE I 3.00 Units COREQ: enrolled in a minimum of seven (7) units to include work experience. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times, not to exceed 6 units. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. TRANSFER CREDIT: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. Field trips will be required. 36090 DUNLAP J 11.25 HRS/WK ARR TBA 3.00 WEXP V96 WORK EXPERIENCE II 3.00 Units COREQ: enrolled in a minimum of seven (7) units to include work experience. Field trips will be required. May be taken for a maximum of 2 times, not to exceed 6 units. Offered on a credit/no credit basis only. TRANSFER CREDIT: CSU; credit limitations - see counselor. Field trips will be required. 36093 DUNLAP J 14.25 HRS/WK ARR TBA 3.00 Work experience offers 2 courses that are not related to college majors. The V95 sections are designed for unpaid/ volunteer work while the V96 sections are designed for paid work. Students may also participate in Internships. Please see information on page 65 of the Schedule and speak with individual departments regarding specific Internship projects. PREQUISITES REQUIRED FOR MATH, ENGLISH AND MICROBIOLOGY NOTICE! – PLEASE READ Please check page 37 for the English course prerequisites, page 47 for the math prerequisites, and page 50 for the microbiology prerequisites. If you have any questions, please speak with a counselor. Prerequisite Requirement The course prerequisites specify the preparation required to successfully complete a particular course. For those students taking English and/or math courses and/or microbiology, the completion of the required prerequisites taken at Oxnard, Moorpark or Ventura College will be verified by computer before students are allowed to complete registration. If you enroll prior to receiving the grade in a prerequisite course, enrollment is contingent on the final grade. For students who have met the prerequisites at other institutions, documentation (such as a high school and/or college transcript) must be reviewed prior to registration. Without this documentation, students will not be allowed to register. Do not delay: request copies of official transcripts be sent immediately to Assessment Specialist, Guthrie Hall, 4667 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA 93003, phone (805) 654-6402. Petition to Challenge Students who believe they have met the prerequisite in ways other than by completing an equivalent course (for example, private instruction or on the job training) may file a "Petition to Challenge." The challenge form outlines the specific reasons students may give for challenging a prerequisite or corequisite and is available from the Counseling Office in the Administration Building. The challenge process must be completed prior to the end of late registration. Students are encouraged to submit a prerequisite challenge seven working days prior to the first day of class. New Students New students may need to meet with a Ventura College counselor prior to registration to avoid registration delays. Call the Counseling Office at (805) 654-6448 for more information or to schedule an appointment. SPRING 2004 SHORT TERM CLASSES SPRING 2004 SHORT TERM CLASSES Short-Term Classes COURSE TITLE CRN START DATE COURSE TITLE CRN START DATE BIS V76A Microsoft Excel I 38735 1/12/2004 BIS V71A Internet, Web, and E-mail 33092 3/2/2004 BIS V76B Microsoft Excel II 38736 1/12/2004 BIS V71B Using Web for Research 33095 3/2/2004 ESL V07 Reading Skills LEP 38465 1/12/2004 BIS V71C Create Personal Web Page 38260 3/2/2004 ESL V07 Reading Skills LEP 38466 1/12/2004 BIS V71C Create Personal Web Page 39471 3/2/2004 GEOG V26 GIS Software 33320 1/12/2004 ENGR V01 Intro to Engineering 33177 3/2/2004 GW V01A Discover Right Career 38335 1/12/2004 BIS V56A Microsoft Powerpoint I 33131 3/3/2004 LIB V01 Library of 21st Century 33289 1/12/2004 AUTO V40 Adv Prob In Auto Tech 38010 3/8/2004 PE V43 Aerobic & Strength Training 31820 1/12/2004 BIS V70 Intro to Microcomputers 33138 3/8/2004 PE V68 Dance Perform: Athletics 38145 1/12/2004 BIS V79 Introduction to Windows 33240 3/8/2004 PE V68 Dance Perform: Athletics 39100 1/12/2004 BIS V98 Administrative Assistant 38195 3/8/2004 THA V10 Production & Performance 36597 1/12/2004 EAC V32 Job-Seeking Strategies 33963 3/8/2004 THA V10 Production & Performance 36598 1/12/2004 EAC V33 Career Exploration 33968 3/8/2004 THA V10 Production & Performance 36599 1/12/2004 GW V01A Discover Right Career 38336 3/8/2004 THA V12 Student One-Act Play 33280 1/12/2004 LS V01L Assessment/Learn Skl Lab 33941 3/8/2004 BUS V25 Medical Coding 37666 1/13/2004 LS V01L Assessment/Learn Skl Lab 33944 3/8/2004 CD V11 Lang Art/Litrcy Ex Child 39339 1/13/2004 PM V95 Paramedic Internship 36055 3/8/2004 CD V13 Soc Stds Exp. Young Child 34087 1/13/2004 THA V10 Production & Performance 33282 3/8/2004 CD V15 Science Expr. Yng Chldrn 39390 1/13/2004 THA V10 Production & Performance 33283 3/8/2004 CD V18 Special Needs Children 39371 1/13/2004 THA V10 Production & Performance 33285 3/8/2004 CD V32 Parenting Preschooler 39387 1/13/2004 CD V88U Curriculum Materials for CD 38646 3/13/2004 CD V14 Crea. Arts Ex. Yng Chldrn 34088 1/14/2004 ESL V01 Low-Beg.Commun.Skills 38422 3/11/2004 CJ V85 PC 832: Arrst/Srch/Siez 30883 1/14/2004 ESL V01 Low-Beg.Commun.Skills 38424 3/11/2004 BIS V76A Microsoft Excel I 38398 1/16/2004 ESL V01 Low-Beg.Commun.Skills 38426 3/11/2004 BIS V76B Microsoft Excel II 38399 1/16/2004 ESL V02 Hi-Beg Commun. Skills 38429 3/11/2004 CD V30 Process of Parenting 39338 1/16/2004 ESL V02 Hi-Beg Commun. Skills 38432 3/11/2004 CD V31 Parenting Infnt/Toddler 38246 1/16/2004 ESL V03 Low-Interm.Comm.Skills 38436 3/11/2004 CT V52 Property Inspection 35349 1/16/2004 ESL V03 Low-Interm.Comm.Skills 38440 3/11/2004 GW V02X Orientation Wrkshp: EOPS 39464 1/16/2004 ESL V04 High-Int. Comm.Skills 38442 3/11/2004 BUS V97 Medical Assisting 32635 1/19/2004 ESL V04 High-Int. Comm.Skills 38447 3/11/2004 ART V21 Mural Paint: Hist & Practice 33703 1/26/2004 ESL V04 High-Int. Comm.Skills 38448 3/11/2004 BIS V70 Intro to Microcomputers 33137 1/26/2004 ESL V05 Adv Comm Skil/Lmt Eng St 38450 3/11/2004 LS V01L Assessment/Learn Skl Lab 33936 1/26/2004 ESL V05 Adv Comm Skil/Lmt Eng St 38453 3/11/2004 ANTH V01L Physical Anthropology Lab 39359 2/2/2004 ESL V05 Adv Comm Skil/Lmt Eng St 38454 3/11/2004 ANTH V02 Cultural Anthropology 39404 2/2/2004 ESL V06 High-Advnced/Lmt Engl 38457 3/11/2004 BIS V76A Microsoft Excel I 38190 2/2/2004 ESL V06 High-Advnced/Lmt Engl 38462 3/11/2004 BIS V76B Microsoft Excel II 38193 2/2/2004 ESL V06 High-Advnced/Lmt Engl 38464 3/11/2004 BUS V94 Reception Skills 35550 2/2/2004 ESL V08 Writing Skills LEP 38467 3/11/2004 LS V01L Assessment/Learn Skl Lab 33928 2/2/2004 ESL V08 Writing Skills LEP 38468 3/11/2004 PHIL V04 Introduction to Logic 37061 2/2/2004 GEOG V28 GIS: Project Development 36739 3/15/2004 BIS V71A Internet, Web, and E-mail 33212 2/3/2004 GW V02X Orientation Wrkshp: EOPS 39503 3/15/2004 BIS V71B Using Web for Research 33217 2/3/2004 HED V93 Health and Wellness 33619 3/15/2004 BIS V79 Introduction to Windows 33244 2/3/2004 HIST V01A Intro To Western Civ I 39363 3/15/2004 BIS V71C Create Personal Web Page 33110 2/4/2004 HIST V07B History U.S. Since 1865 38154 3/15/2004 CJ V86 PC 832: Firearms 30864 2/6/2004 AUTO V32 ASE Certification Prep 38063 3/16/2004 CD V88U Curriculum Materials for CD 38645 2/7/2004 CD V16 Beh/Clasrm Mng. Chld Dev 39340 3/16/2004 ANTH V01 Physical Anthropology 34796 2/9/2004 CD V17 Fam/Parnt Invl.Chld Dev 34089 3/17/2004 BUS V11 Beginning Keyboarding 32021 2/9/2004 BIS V76A Microsoft Excel I 39313 3/19/2004 BUS V97 Medical Assisting 39381 2/9/2004 BIS V76B Microsoft Excel II 39314 3/19/2004 MATH V10 Prealgebra 32793 2/9/2004 GEOG V24 Global Positioning (GPS) 39393 3/19/2004 BIS V44A Microsoft Word I 36992 2/16/2004 BUS V11 Beginning Keyboarding 32042 3/22/2004 HED V93 Health and Wellness 38144 2/16/2004 LIB V01 Library of 21st Century 33291 3/22/2004 BIS V44A Microsoft Word I 36991 2/17/2004 LS V01L Assessment/Learn Skl Lab 39442 3/22/2004 BIS V44B Microsoft Word II 36998 2/17/2004 PE V43 Aerobic & Strength Training 39408 3/22/2004 BIS V44B Microsoft Word II 37000 2/17/2004 PE V43 Aerobic & Strength Training 33364 3/23/2004 BUS V12 Intermediate Keyboarding 36147 2/23/2004 BUS V12 Intermediate Keyboarding 36146 3/29/2004 GW V02B COAST 38306 2/23/2004 BIS V79 Introduction to Windows 33478 4/12/2004 BIS V70 Intro to Microcomputers 33139 3/1/2004 LS V01L Assessment/Learn Skl Lab 33943 4/12/2004 ESL V06 High-Advnced/Lmt Engl 38463 3/1/2004 BIS V56B Microsoft Powerpoint II 32726 4/14/2004 LS V01L Assessment/Learn Skl Lab 33938 3/1/2004 BIS V76A Microsoft Excel I 38191 4/15/2004 LS V01L Assessment/Learn Skl Lab 33950 3/1/2004 BIS V76B Microsoft Excel II 38194 4/15/2004 12 DISTANCE EDUCATION DISTANCE EDUCATION Please check www.online.venturacollege.edu for updates and mandatory orientation information or see the Schedule of Classes for details. Additional class meetings will be announced at orientation. Internet / TV COURSE SECTION TITLE CRN START DATE HED V93 Health and Wellness 37481 1/12/2004 CD V61 Child, Family & Community 38287 1/12/2004 GW V01A Discover Right Career 38335 1/12/2004 AST V01 Elementary Astronomy 38239 1/12/2004 FREN V02 Elementary French II 38471 1/12/2004 FREN V72 Fundamentals French II 38476 1/12/2004 FREN V01 Elementary French I 39574 1/12/2004 FREN V04 Intermediate French II 39370 1/12/2004 MATH V01 Elementary Algebra 32698 1/12/2004 MATH V01 Elementary Algebra 38652 1/12/2004 MATH V03 Intermediate Algebra 38527 1/12/2004 MATH V03 Intermediate Algebra 38654 1/12/2004 MATH V10 Prealgebra 38495 1/12/2004 MATH V44 Elementary Statistics 32859 1/12/2004 BUS V27A Beg Medical Terminology 38490 1/12/2004 GERM V01 Elementary German I 38479 1/12/2004 FREN V71 Fundamentals French I 38475 1/12/2004 FREN V01 Elementary French I 38366 1/12/2004 ANTH V01 Physical Anthropology 34796 2/2/2004 ANTH V01L Physical Anthropology Lab 39359 2/2/2004 HED V93 Health and Wellness 38144 2/16/2004 GW V02B COAST 38306 2/23/2004 GW V01A Discover Right Career 38336 3/8/2004 GW V02A College Orientation 38337 3/8/2004 Video / Television COURSE SECTION TITLE CRN START DATE HIST V07B History U.S. Since 1865 30567 1/12/2004 HEC V23 Child Growth & Development 30753 1/12/2004 PSY V01 Intro to Psychology 32023 1/12/2004 POLS V01 American Government 33405 1/12/2004 PHIL V01 Intro to Philosophy 34357 1/12/2004 SOC V01 Introduction to Sociology 35631 1/12/2004 PSY V05 Developmental Psychology 39361 1/12/2004 Internet / Classroom Classes COURSE SECTION TITLE CRN START DATE ENGL V01A English Composition 31351 1/12/2004 ENGL V01A English Composition 31448 1/12/2004 OFF-CAMPUS CLASSES Available in Fillmore, Ojai, Santa Paula and Ventura. See Off-Campus classes on page 66 for complete information. For questions or to register call (805) 525-7136. Distance Education EMERITUS INSTITUTE Pay no enrollment fees for these non-credit classes! Students previously registered at either Moorpark, Oxnard or Ventura College or first-time registered students can enroll online at www.venturacollege.edu or by telephone using the STAR system at (805) 384-8200. Field trips may be required. See page 70 for complete list of Emeritus courses. 13 certificates CURRICULUM, DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES Ventura College Offers the Following Curriculum, Degrees and Certificates coursesassociate de certificates associate d courses Curriculum Curriculum Accounting X X X Health Education X African-American Studies X Health Information Technology X X Agricultural Sciences X X X Health Science X X Anthropology X History X Aquatics X X Home Economics X X X Architecture X X X Human Services X X Art X X X IBM's UNIX X Asian-American Studies X Interior Design X X Astronomy X International Studies X X X Automotive X X X Internship X Bilingual/Cross-Cultural Studies X X Italian X Biological Sciences X X X Japanese X Biotechnology X X X Journalism X X X Bookkeeping X X Liberal Studies X Business Administration X X X Machine Technology X X X Business Information Systems X X Manufacturing Technology X X Ceramics X X X Mathematics X Chemistry X Medical Assistant X X X Chicano Studies X Microcomputers X X Child Development X X X Multimedia X X X Cisco X X Music X X X Clerical X X X Native-American Studies X Commercial Art X X X Natural Resources X X X Communication X Nursing X X Computer Information Systems X X X Oracle X X Computer Science X X X Paramedic Studies X X X Construction Technology X X X Philosophy X Criminal Justice X X X Photography X X X Dance X Physical Education X Drafting X X X Physics X Drama X X X Political Science X Economics X Pre-Law X Education X Pre-Medicine X Emergency Medical Services X X X Pre-Veterinary Medicine X Engineering X X X Psychology X English X Recreation X X X English as a Second Language X Secretarial X X X Environmental Horticulture X X X Sign Language/American Sign Language X Environmental Studies X X Sociology X Ethnic Studies X Spanish X Fashion Design & Merchandising x x x Special Education X Fine Art X X X Speech Communications X Floristry X X Supervision X X X French X Technology X Geographic Information Services (GIS) X X Theatre Arts X X X Geography X Water Science X X X Geological Sciences X Welding Technology X X X German X Women’s Studies X Guidance X Work Experience X VENTURA COLLEGE FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE VENTURA COLLEGE FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE Final Exam Schedule /Los Exámenes Finales Finals for Spring 2004 PLEASE NOTE: Final exams for PE activity classes, applicable short- term classes, and labs that are scheduled separately from the lecture corequisite will be given on the last meeting of class prior to May 13, 2004. DAY CLASSES Regular Meeting Time ................................................... Exam Hours THURSDAY, May 13 9:00 am or 9:30 am TTh ......................................... 7:30am-9:30am 11:00 am or 11:30 am TTh....................................10:00am-12:00n 12:00 n or 12:30 pm TTh......................................12:30pm-2:30pm 2:00 pm or 2:30 pm TTh.........................................3:00pm-5:00pm FRIDAY, May 14 8:00 am or 8:30 am MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily .. 7:30am-9:30am 11:00 am MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily ................... 10:00am-12:00n SATURDAY, May 15 Saturday or Sunday classes ........................ Regular meeting time MONDAY, May 17 7:30 am MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily ..................... 7:30am -9:30am 10:30 am MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily ................... 10:00am-12:00n 1:30 pm MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily ...................... 1:30pm-3:30pm 4:00, 4:30, 5:00 or 5:30 pm MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily..5:00pm-7:00pm TUESDAY, May 18 7:30, 8:00 or 8:30 am TTh ...................................... 7:30am-9:30am 10:00 or 10:30 am TTh ...........................................10:00am-12:00n 1:00 or 1:30 pm TTh...............................................12:30pm-2:30pm 3:00 or 3:30 pm TTh.................................................3:00pm-5:00pm 4:00, 4:30, 5:00 or 5:30 pm T, Th or TTh ............. 5:15pm-7:15pm WEDNESDAY, May 19 9:30 am MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily ..................... 10:00am-12:00n 12:30 pm MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily .................. 12:30pm-2:30pm 2:30 pm MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily ...................... 3:00pm-5:00pm EVENING CLASSES Classes beginning 6:00 p.m. or later will give final exams at 7:30pm - 9:30pm on the following evenings: Monday and Monday/Wednesday classes .............................May 17 Wednesday classes .................................................................. May 19 Tuesday and Tuesday/Thursday classes ............................... May 18 Thursday classes ..................................................................... May 13 Friday classes ........................................................................... May 14 STUDENT REQUESTS FOR EARLY OR LATE EXAMINATION. No examinations are to be administered prior to the final exam schedule. Students requesting early or late exams may obtain a petition from the Admissions and Records Office. Approved petitions are to be on file in the office of the Division Dean prior to the exam date. NO DEVIATIONS ARE TO BE MADE FROM THIS SCHEDULE Primavera Finales 2004 AVISO: Los exámenes finales para las clases de educación física, para algunas de término corto, y para los laboratorios que tienen diferente horario que las clases asociadas de conferencia tomarán lugar el último día del semestre antes del 13 de Mayo 2004. CLASSES DE DÍA Hora de las clases ................................................... Hora del examen JUEVES, 13 de Mayo 9:00 am or 9:30 am TTh ........................................ 7:30am-9:30am 11:00 am or 11:30 am TTh...................................10:00am-12:00n 12:00 n or 12:30 pm TTh.....................................12:30pm-2:30pm 2:00 pm or 2:30 pm TTh........................................3:00pm-5:00pm VIERNES, 14 de Mayo 8:00 am or 8:30 am MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily .. 7:30am-9:30am 11:00 am MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily ................... 10:00am-12:00n SÁBADO, 15 de Mayo Clases de Sábado o Domingo ............................... la hora de la clase LUNES, 17 de Mayo 7:30 am MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily ..................... 7:30am -9:30am 10:30 am MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily ................... 10:00am-12:00n 1:30 pm MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily ...................... 1:30pm-3:30pm 4:00, 4:30, 5:00 or 5:30 pm MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily..5:00pm-7:00pm MARTES, 18 de Mayo 7:30, 8:00 or 8:30 am TTh ...................................... 7:30am-9:30am 10:00 or 10:30 am TTh ...........................................10:00am-12:00n 1:00 or 1:30 pm TTh...............................................12:30pm-2:30pm 3:00 or 3:30 pm TTh.................................................3:00pm-5:00pm 4:00, 4:30, 5:00 or 5:30 pm T, Th or TTh ............. 5:15pm-7:15pm MÍERCOLES, 19 de Mayo 9:30 am MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily ..................... 10:00am-12:00n 12:30 pm MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily .................. 12:30pm-2:30pm 2:30 pm MWF, MW, WF, MF or Daily ...................... 3:00pm-5:00pm CLASES DE LA TARDE Para las clases que comienzan a las 6:00 de la tarde o más tarde, los examenes finales serán de 7:30pm - 9:30pm las siguentes noches: Clases de lunes y lunes/miercoles .................................... 17 de Mayo Clases de miercoles ........................................................... 19 de Mayo Clases de martes y martes/jueves .................................... 18 de Mayo Clases de jueves ................................................................ 13 de Mayo Clases de viernes ............................................................... 14 de Mayo AVISO PARA AQUELLOS ESTUDIANTES QUE DESEEN TOMAR EXÁMENES ANTES O DESPUÉS DE LA HORA INDICADA EN EL HORARIO: no se permite administrar exámenes finales antes de la hora indicada. Los estudiantes que necesitan tomar exámenes finales antes o después de la hora indicada pueden obtener una petición en la oficina de Admission and Records. DESVIACÍON DEL HORARIO PARA LOS EXÁMENES FINALES NO SE PERMITE 72 WHAT'S NEW AT VC! WHAT'S NEW AT VC! Machine Technology Program: Certificate/Manufacturing CNC Option Fast-track, ONE semester, day program: M-Th, 8-1 p.m. Earn up to $25,000+ first year on the job! A.A. Degree/University Transfer Option Two-year, exploratory and general machining, day/evening Professional Development Option Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (ASME Y14.5) A must course for design engineers, draftsmen, O.C., machinists Tuesday: 6:00 p.m. - 8:50 p.m. VENTURA COLLEGE Enrollment is limited - Enroll Early! POLS V03 - Intro to Political Science •Globalization •American Democracy •Human Rights •Environmental Protection •Nonviolence •The Post 9/11 World Order This class meets the CSU requirement for American Ideals, Institutions, and History; UC and CSU transferable for general education requirements. HEC V23 Child Growth & Development "Stepping Stones" is a TV-Cable class companion to Kathleen Stassen Berger's 6th Ed., The Developing Person: Childhood Through Adolescence. It explores the interplay of physical, intellectual, and social-emotional developmental processes. It is comprised of 26 thirty-minute TV programs that will air on CAPS TV, Channel 6 (available only to Avenue and Adelphia cable customers in the city of Ventura). Broadcast schedule will be announced at the first class meeting, January 16. Tapes may be purchased in the bookstore. See the Schedule of Classes under Child Development for more information or see Distance Education. 73 Oracle 9i Online Internet Courses The goal of everyone in the Information Technology field is to become certified–Now is your chance here at Ventura College– the Central Coast's leading educator in Oracle. There are many opportunities and options, including hybrid classes at home and distance education options. Enroll before it's too late! Computer Information Systems (CIS) CIS V01 Intro: Oracle & SQL* Plus CIS V02 Oracle PL/SQL CIS V07 Oracle Forms I CIS V08 Oracle Forms II CIS V25 Oracle Database Admin CIS V88 Oracle Backup & Recovery Calling All Alumni With the 80th Anniversary of Ventura College fast approaching, the Alumni & Friends Association is searching for all former VC Students. Add your name to the mailing list today by visiting www.venturacollege.edu and clicking on Quick Links, or call the Ventura College Foundation office, (805) 654-6461. What's New! Travel to Spain Summer 2004 Psychology of the Spanish Culture PSY V90 -1 to 3 units Directed Studies in Psychology (Online) TENTATIVE TRAVEL DATES: (Subject to VCCCD Board Approval) July 5, 2004 to July 21, 2004 Travel to Spain and visit Madrid, El Escorial, Segovia, Bilbao, San Sebastian, Pamplona, Barcelona, Valencia, Granada, Costa del Sol, Seville and Cordoba. CONTACT: Dr. E. Rivere (805) 654-6400 x1386 E-mail: spain2004@cox.net Ventura College offers a new major in International Studies with seven areas of emphasis including international business and international politics. For more information, contact Dr. Nasri at (805) 654-6400 x1217 or Intl_studies@yahoo.com InternationalStudiesMajor Are you a first-time student with financial need attending Ventura College in Fall, 2004? Stop by the VC Foundation and pick-up a "Dare to Dream" Scholarship application. You, too, can succeed when you "Dare to Dream"! Ventura College Foundation thanks Affinity Bank and First California Bank for making these scholarships possible. TVCABLE Fees/CuotasFees/Cuotas FEES SCHEDULE All fees are due at the time you register for class(es). If you drop, or are dropped, after the credit deadline, you will be responsible for all fees owed. See Registration Calendar on page 7. Fees: *Enrollment Fee ....................................................... $ 18.00 per unit 9.00 1/2 unit 4.50 1/4 unit Nonresident Tuition: Non-California residents & International students ............................................. $149.00 per unit International Student Surcharge .......................... $ 14.00 per unit Health Fee (see details) ............................................ $ 12.00 Fall/Spring .............................................................................. $ 9.00 Summer Remote Registration fee ......................................... $ 3.00 per sem nonrefundable Materials Fees ........................................................... as required; see class schedule Audit Fee: Students enrolled in 10 or more credit units... ......................................... no charge Students enrolled in fewer than 10 credit units ................................................. $ 15.00 per unit (auditing students also pay the health fee) International Student Application Processing Fee ..................................................... $ 50.00 ASB card (optional) .................................................... $ 6.00 per sem $ 10.00 per year Student Center Fee .................................................. $ 1.00 per unit (maximum of $10 per fiscal year) Students who owe outstanding fees may not register until the fees are paid and cleared from the computer. California Residents -Must pay the mandated enrollment fee, health fee, Student Center fee and applicable materials fees. Those meeting certain criteria may be eligible for financial aid. Con tact the Financial Aid Office, (805) 654-6369. Non-California Residents -Must pay nonresident tuition, the enrollment fee, health fee, Student Center fee and applicable material fees. International Students -Must pay enrollment fees, the health fee, nonresident tuition, Student Center fee and applicable materials fees, the International student surcharge and an application processing fee of $50 that covers the cost of federally mandated documentation. The surcharge and the application processing fee may be waived if the student meets one of the following exemptions as listed in the Ed Code §76141 or §76142: Student must demonstrate economic hardship or Student must be a victim of persecution in the country in which the student is a resident. How Can I Pay My Fees? -Pay by cash, check or money order, Mastercard or VISA. Include your social security or student ID number and driver's license number on your check or money order. All returned checks and credit card chargebacks will be assessed a $10 service fee. Fees may be paid: . By credit card, online at www.venturacollege.edu, click on Student Central and log into WebSTAR . By credit card on the phone at (805) 384-8200. . In-person at the Student Business Office in E building. Refund Policy -You must drop your classes by the credit deadline stated in the registration calendar to qualify for a credit or refund of tuition and/or fees. AFTER your class(es) have been dropped, application for a refund may be made through the Student Business Office. The Refund Request form is located on page 109. Credits will NOT be authorized for drops or withdrawals occurring after the deadline date. Enrollment fee refunds are subject, once a semester, to the withholding of a $10 Administrative Fee. To qualify for a refund of parking fees, you must return the original parking permit to the Student Business Office by the deadline. Refund on Nonresident Tuition and Surcharge -Nonresident tuition and the student surcharge are refunded based on the following: 100% is refunded the first and second weeks of classes; 50% is refunded the third and fourth weeks. For short-term classes, 10% of class meetings is refunded at 100%; 20% of class meetings is refunded at 50%. No refunds are authorized for drops or withdrawals after the fourth week of a full-term class or 20% of short-term classes. Health Fees - This $12 fee provides you with a variety of health care services. In accordance with Board policy, students are required to pay a health fee, regardless of the units taken, unless they meet one of the exemptions listed below pursuant to Ed Code §76355: BOGW recipient or identified by the Financial Aid Office as qualifying for exemption under the Ed Code §76355 or Any student who depends exclusively on prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization. Documentary evidence of such an affiliation is required. Parking Permits - Optional A parking permit is required to park on campus. Citations are issued to vehicles without a valid permit displayed. A license plate number is required for permit registration. Pick up permits in the Student Business Office. See the Ventura College Catalog for more information. SINGLE DAY permits ($1) can be purchased from the bright yellow machine located at the parking information booth by the flag pole, and at the Student Business Office. To locate the permit machine, follow the signs at the Estates Way entrance to the campus. Automobile: regular sem. / summer sem. .................. $40 / $14 BOGW students: regular sem. / summer sem. ......... $20 / $14 Motorcycle: regular sem. / summer sem. ................... $28 / $9 Additional Permit: same household, must present car registration regular sem. / summer sem. ....................................... $8 / $5 Replacement Permit: requires return of original permit regular sem. / summer sem. ....................................... $5 / $4 Single Day. ..................................................................... $1 Ridesharing / Carpooling -If you can certify that you have two or more passengers regularly commuting to the College in your vehicle, you may qualify for a reduced parking fee of $25 for Fall/Spring semesters and $10 for Summer session. Apply for permits at the Campus Police or Student Business Offices. *Enrollment fees are set by the state, are subject to change without notice, and may be retroactive. All other fees are set by the Ventura County Community College District Board of Trustees and are subject to change by Board action. 74 FEE QUESTIONS FEE QUESTIONS Q. When are my fees due? A. All fees are due at the time of registration. Q. I can't afford to go to school but I need an education. Is help available? A. Before you register for your classes, contact the Financial Aid Office to see if you qualify for a fee waiver or other financial aid. Q. What is the "Student Center Fee"? A. Students of Ventura College voted to enact a Student Center fee of $1 per unit, up to a maximum of $10 per fiscal year, for the purpose of financing, constructing, expanding, remodeling, refurbishing, and operating a Student Center. The fee shall not apply to: Students enrolled in non-credit courses or courses held at East Campus; those who are recipients of CalWORKs; are on SSI/SSP; or on a General Assistance Program. Q. Will I be dropped if I don't pay my fees within 7 days? A. Yes, if fees are not paid within 7 days, you will be scheduled for drop the following weekend. Q. What if I don't have the money to pay right away? A. Before you register for your classes, contact the Financial Aid Office to see if you qualify for a fee waiver. Q. What if my fees are going to be paid by a scholarship, vocational rehabilitation program or another tuition assistance program? A. Contact the Student Business Office immediately after you register to let them know who will be paying your fees. You will be required to present paperwork confirming that the fees will be paid by a third party. Q. If I am dropped, can I re-enroll? A. You may petition for reinstatement into your classes at the Admissions & Records Office. If there are still seats open in the class, you can be reinstated without instructor approval. If all seats are full, you will need the instructor's signature to confirm that you have been attending the class. Be prepared to pay your fees at the time the reinstatements are processed. Q. If I am dropped, will I still owe fees? A. You might! If you are dropped after the deadline to receive a credit or refund, you will still be responsible for the outstanding fees. Consult the Calendar in the Schedule of Classes for the refund drop deadlines, and ask the Admissions & Records Office staff for deadlines on short- term classes. We're Here To Help! Have a Question We Haven't Answered? Call Us! Financial Aid Office (805) 654-6369 Student Business Office (805) 654-6488 Admissions & Records Office (805) 654-6457 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Need Help Paying Your Enrollment Fees or Other Expenses? Here Are Two of Your Options: Enrollment Fees: The Board of Governors Enrollment Fee Waiver (BOGW) provides a waiver of enrollment and health fees to qualifying students who are California residents. For information regarding the methods for qualifying and verification required, please see “Criteria for Fee Waiver. ” The BOGW application in English is located on page 103 and the BOGW application in Spanish is on page 105. This Fee Waiver (BOGW) is valid for the entire academic year, starting Fall 2003-Spring 2004 and ending Summer 2004. Financial Aid: The Financial Aid Office has the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, “FAFSA,” for students who wish to apply for financial assistance for the 2003-2004 academic year. This application covers both federal and state financial aid programs, including the following: FEDERAL PELL GRANT FEDERAL SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GRANT FEDERAL WORKSTUDY FEDERAL FAMILY EDUCATION LOANS (STAFFORD LOANS)CAL GRANTS B, C EOPS GRANT Interested students should apply now! A Financial Aid application is available online at www.fafsa.ed.gov or you may pickup a copy at the Financial Aid Office. Don’t delay in applying. The process may take up to 3 months. Financial aid will be awarded to eligible students subject to availability of funds. Criteria for Fee Waiver You are eligible to receive a fee waiver if you are a California resident and you meet any one of the following criteria: 1. Are currently receiving benefits from AFDC (CalWORKs), SSI/SSP or General Assistance. 2. Are a dependent student whose parent(s) are currently receiving AFDC (CalWORKs) or SSI/SSP. 3. Have applied for financial aid at Ventura College and have demonstrated eligibility for a Board of Governor's Fee Waiver. If you do not meet any of the criteria, you may still qualify for a waiver if you: 4. Meet certain income standards (income standards available in the Financial Aid, Educational Assistance Center, East Campus, and EOPS Offices). You must complete the BOGW English application on page 102 or the Spanish application on page 105 to apply for a fee waiver. Fee waivers are valid for the entire academic year starting Fall 2003 through Summer school 2004. For additional information, contact the Financial Aid Office. Our staff will be happy to assist you! (805) 654-6369. Support Services Support Services SUPPORT SERVICES Hours of operation for many offices may change. Please see page 110 for office locations, hours, phone numbers and Web addresses. Admissions & Records Located in Building A. Apply and register online at our Web site: www.venturacollege.edu. Click on the "Student Central" logo. Bookstore The VC Bookstore Pirates' Cove carries a variety of merchandise in addition to textbooks and supplies. Textbooks and merchandise refunds are restricted. Buy-backs occur during the week of final exams. Picture I.D. is required for all transactions other than cash. Cafeteria Cafeteria service includes hot food entrees, pizza, sandwiches, salads, snacks, beverages, etc. A satellite cafe is located outside Building UV, next to the Science/Math Building. CalWORKs CalWORKs is a law that provides temporary cash assistance and other services to low-income families with minor children. CalWORKs may be able to help eligible students with the cost of childcare, books, and transportation, while he/she is attending college. CalWORKs also operates a work-study program to help students find a job on-campus or in the community while they are going to school. For information, call the CalWORKs Office at (805) 477-2021. CARE Program Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) is an EOPS program designed for CalWORKs participants who, in addition to meeting the EOPS eligibility criteria are single, head of household, over 18 years of age and have a child under the age of 14. In addition to all regular EOPS services, EOPS/CARE students may be eligible to participate in a meal voucher program at Ventura College, and receive assistance with child care, gas and car repair. Child Development Center The Kinko's Child Development Center is located on campus at the corner of Telegraph Road and West Campus Way, across from the Aquatics Center. Developmentally appropriate toddler and preschool programs are provided for children 18 months through pre-K. Fees are charged for services. Program hours: Toddlers (18-24 months): 8:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri. Preschoolers (2-5 years): 8:15 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri. Students enrolled in three or more units receive priority enrollment. A new waiting list begins as each semester's Class Schedule comes out. Since spaces fill quickly, you are encouraged to get on the waiting list as soon as possible. Call (805) 648-8930 for more information. Counseling The Counseling Center is located in the Administration Building. Counseling services are available for all students by appointment or drop-by. Call (805) 654-6448 for an appointment. See page 5 for schedule of orientation and advisement activities for new students. Counseling is also available on a drop-by basis daily on a first-come, first-serve basis for quick questions. Counseling services include academic advisement, career planning, transfer assistance, and college orientation. Students may meet with any counselor or may ask for counselors who specialize in particular academic areas for the next semester after the first two weeks of the previous semester. EOPS Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) encourages the enrollment of low-income and educationally disadvantaged students into institutions of higher learning. The focus of the EOPS Program is to provide the necessary resources for students to successfully complete their educational goals. EOPS also serves eligible CalWORKs students through a special program, *Care. Qualifications: eligible for BOGW A or B: full-time 12 units; less than 70 degree applicable units; educationally disadvantaged. For additional *CARE services: must be CalWORKs/TANF single parent, head-of-household with at least one child under age of 14. Through the EOPS and CARE (Cooperative Agencies Resources for Educational) programs, students can receive services such as: Services: assessment; early registration; emergency loans; grants; job placement assistance; referrals; university field trips; workshops; student leadership; advocacy; tutoring; help through the Financial Aid process; *childcare allowances; *gas and on-campus meal. Counseling: academic advisement; career counseling; college orientation; personal counseling; transfer advisement; university transfer assistance. Staffing: bilingual; diverse; full-time counselors; peer advisement. EOPS is located in the FS Building between the gym and cafeteria. Call (805) 654-6302 for further information. Financial Aid Need help paying your enrollment fees or other expenses? Financial aid is available to eligible students in the form of grants, loans and work-study. Fee waivers (waives enrollment and health fees) are available to California residents. Fee waiver application is located on page 103. Helping Hands at the VC Foundation The Helping Hands Program through the VC Foundation offers scholarships each semester to assist needy students with child care costs. Scholarships are for up to $400 per semester, and can be awarded retroactively to pay for previous child care expenses. The student’s child(ren) must be enrolled at the VC Child Development Center. Scholarships are awarded on an ongoing basis and students can reapply. Applications are available at the Child Development Center and the VC Foundation office. For more information, call the Foundation office at (805) 654-6461. JCC - Job and Career Center Jump start your career by attending a free workshop at the Ventura College Job and Career Center. The first step in finding a job is being prepared. Workshops include: resume and application development, job search, interviewing techniques, stress management, personal budgeting, dress for success, networking-motivation and self-directed assessment. All services are free! Center hours are 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday–Friday. The Center is open until 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays. We are located at 4274 Telegraph Road, across from the Kinko's Child Development Center, (805) 477-2000. 76 SUPPORT SERVICES SUPPORT SERVICES Learning Center The Learning Center functions both as an open-access computer lab that students can use on a drop-in basis for their college related work, and as a lab for classroom instruction for English, reading, and ESL classes. PCs and Macintosh computers are available with software for Internet access, word processing, textbook-related materials, and specialized reading and writing programs. The Center is located on the second floor of the F Building. Library Located in the D building, the D.R. Henry Library collection consists of 66,156 volumes, 340 periodical titles, 309 microfilm titles and several online, “full-text,” electronic databases. The Library functions as a resource laboratory for classroom assignments and as a study area with three quiet study rooms, a research workroom, and lounge seating in the lobby. The catalog of library materials is available through nine public access stations and Internet access on 12 stations. Students may log on to the Library’s online catalog and full-text database through the Internet at www.venturacollege.edu. Click on the Library button. Students should first see a Librarian for instruction on how to use the databases. For more information, call (805) 654-6482. Student Activities Office Student Activities provides a variety of services and activities to assist and provide opportunities for students' educational development. Program and service areas cover a wide spectrum and include, but are not limited to, the following: Associated Students Ventura College (ASVC): Students are encouraged to participate on the ASVC executive board, or on a College/District committee so that they have a direct voice in the governance process. The Board sponsors a variety of co-curricular activities during the year including musical performances, lectures, and multi-cultural events. ASVC Photo Identification and Library Cards: Students are encouraged to purchase a ASVC card that entitles them to a variety of goods and services including a 10% discount on used books, most supplies in the College Bookstore, free admission to the College athletic events, student theatre performances, and 10-30% discounts from community businesses. Library cards to access numerous library services including the Internet are available through the funding generosity of the Library. Student Leadership (LDR V02) and Leadership Internship (LDR V95) courses: Student officers and those participating in College/District governance may receive from 2-4 course units of transferable credit while learning leadership principles and having the opportunity to apply them to the governance process. Student Organizations: A variety of student clubs, associations and honor societies provide students the opportunity to organize, socialize and work together to achieve common goals. Posting and Vendor Approval: The Office must approve posting of flyers or community vendors coming on campus to promote or publicize products, services or events. Student Housing: While the College provides no campus housing, listings of accommodations are solicited through the Office. Listings include room, room and board, and apartments. The accommodations are listed purely as a service to students. The College assumes no responsibility for the condition of the rental, or the credibility of the landlord. These are the responsibility of the student or parent. Student Business Office Services include issuing of parking permit(s), ASB cards, processing refunds and collecting student fees. Keep your receipt(s). Student Health Center Students who received (BOGW) fee waivers or other waivers, or paid the mandatory $12 health fee are entitled to on-campus accident insurance and free medical care and personal counseling. Medications, lab work, and procedures are also available at a low cost. Health services include diagnosis and treatment of acute illness and general medical problems, personal counseling, women's health and family planning, dermatology, orthopedics, immunizations, and health education pamphlets. If we are unable to provide you with a needed medical service, we will refer you to an outside resource. Please visit our Web site for more information, hours, and specific clinic times. The Health Center is located on Central Campus Way on the east side of the Athletic Event Center. Please call (805) 654-6346 for an appointment or information. Tutoring Located in Guthrie Hall, the Tutoring Center provides free drop- in, group and individual tutoring services to VC students. Women's and Re-entry Center The Women’s and Re-entry Center is a student service which provides support for women and men re-entering school, women with unique needs, as well as offering assistance to the entire student body. In an effort to equip students with the best set of tools to accomplish their goals the Women's and Reentry Center offers a variety of services. Every semester we host a re-entry student orientation and on-going support groups. We have a textbook lending library, children's clothing exchange, workshops, video library and personal counseling. The Center is a comfortable place to study and support one another. It is located outside the back of the cafeteria in Building B. SPECIAL PROGRAMS SPECIAL PROGRAMS Special Programs Customized Services to Agencies and Vocational Programs Agencies desiring support services for their clients will be charged a fee, if such services are not normally provided to regular students. For additional information, contact the Division of Industry and Technology at (805) 654-6372. East Campus at Santa Paula The East Campus offers an extensive English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) program as well as a wide variety of general education and vocational classes and programs at the Dean Drive location and at the local high schools. The Vocational Programs include computer office assistant, CNA training, medical assisting, and child development. The general education courses meet graduation and transfer requirements for students who are working towards an associate's or bachelor's degree. The ESL classes help students whose first language is not English to acquire the speaking, reading, and writing skills needed to function at work, in college, and in the community. The East Campus is located at 105 Dean Drive, Santa Paula, (805) 525-7136. Bilingual (Spanish-English) staff are available to help students. Educational Assistance Center The Educational Assistance Center (EAC) is a state-funded program that provides support services and special instruction for students with disabilities. Depending on the disability needs, the following services are available free of charge to qualified students: •assessment •one-step early registration assistance •tutoring •interpreters •mobility assistance •alternative testing facilitation •notetaking •Braille, e-text, large print •readers •assistive devices •specialized counseling •job development/ placement •special classes: learning skills, assistive computer technology, adapted physical education, job seeking skills and Braille/technology for the visually impaired. All College materials are available in alternative format. For further information and registration dates, call the Educational Assistance Office (EAC) for accommodations at (805) 654-6300 (voice); or 642-4583 (TTY); or 648-8915 (Fax), or e-mail: vceac@vcccd.net Registration Tips for Students with Disabilities Priority registration for verified EAC students begins a week before registration for regular students. •Register online during priority registration by calling the EAC office for a special computer code. •Make an appointment with your EAC counselor before priority registration begins and the EAC office staff will enter your classes for you when registration begins. •Register by phone through the EAC office at (805) 654-6300. One of our staff will assist you. •Take care of all your registration needs right in the EAC office: meet with a counselor, register, pay your fees (exact change checks or credit cards), get your parking permit, apply for a BOGW and add or drop classes. International Students Program The International Student Office assists about 200 International Students attending under an F-1 Visa (Student Visa) from countries around the world: Japan, Germany, Sweden, Hungary, Morocco, Kenya, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Sri Lanka and many more. The Office assists students with admission, assessment, orientation, immigration matters, housing, academic advising and counseling for new and continuing students. International Students under F-1 Visa must meet the following application deadlines: Fall semester: June 15; Spring Semester: November 15; Summer session: April 15. If you have any questions, please contact the International Students Office, (805) 654-6313. Learning Skills Program Students who have a history of delayed academic achievement or have had a great deal of difficulty mastering basic skills may wish to inquire about the special services provided by the Learning Skills Program. The Program emphasizes individualized instruction, teaching to the dominant learning style, and allowing the student to learn at his or her own pace. Special classes in reading, writing, math, study skills, memory power, creative thinking, visualization and perception, learning strategies, vocabulary building, spelling improvement and personal development are offered. Assessment is also available. For information or an appointment, call the Educational Assistance Center (EAC) for the disabled at (805) 654-6300. Assistive Technology Training Center The ATTC is designed to teach all students with disabilities about the latest in computer access devices and instructional software, including speech synthesizers, adapted keyboards, voice-input systems, Braille printers and adapted word processing programs. Students can register for a variety of classes in assistive Computer Technology listed in the Schedule of Classes. For information, call (805) 654-6415. Middle College Academy Ventura College, in partnership with specific area high schools, offers a Middle College Academy that allows motivated high school students to attend college classes while still in high school. Middle College High School programs have been adopted by participating high schools and community colleges throughout the country, allowing high school students to earn college credit, explore career options and take advanced courses not offered on the high school campus. Call the Middle College Academy at (805) 654-6321 for more information on participating high schools and enrollment in the program. 80 Policies & Information Policies & Information POLICIES & INFORMATION Please consult the Ventura College Catalog for complete Admission and Academic Policies and Information. The following excerpts are intended as a source of general reference for students. Accreditation Ventura College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 10 Commercial Boulevard, Suite 204, Novato, CA 94949, (415) 506-0234, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. Adding a Closed Class Adding a closed class will always require written permission from the instructor. Permission consists of an "Authorization Add" code from the instructor that will enable the student to add a closed class in person or online. All adds must be completed by the "last day to add" deadline posted in the registration calendar. Students may access online services by going to the College Web site: www.venturacollege.edu and clicking on "Student Central." Attendance and Absence All students are expected to attend the first meeting of class, and to attend classes regularly thereafter. The instructor may drop students who do not attend the first class meeting, and may recommend that students be dropped when absence from the class exceeds 1/9th (one-ninth) of the total class contact hours for the session. Students may also be dropped fro having missed necessary safety instruction when such instruction is routinely given. Instructor-initiated drops may result in the assignment of a grade of "W" in accordance with the college withdrawal policy. Auditing a Class Students may petition to audit a maximum of one 3 unit class per semester or Summer session. The petition to audit a class is available at the Admissions & Records Office. It must be approved and signed by the instructor, and returned to the Admissions & Records Office during the last two days of the program adjustment period. Lab classes and activity classes are not generally approved for audit. Priority for seats will be given to students taking the class for credit. Auditors pay fees of $15.00 per unit and applicable health fee. Nonresident tuition does not apply. Campus Emergency Instructions Emergency procedures in the event of earthquakes or fires affecting students and staff on-campus are available in all classrooms, offices, and the College Catalog. Campus Police phone: (805) 6546486 or (805) 642-7000. Class Repeat Policy Courses can only be taken one time unless otherwise noted in the Ventura Collge Catalog and Schedule of Classes. Students may petition only once to repeat courses to improve grades of "D," "F" or "NC." Courses in which a grade of "C," "CR" or better were received may not be repeated unless specifically authorized by the Title V of the California Administrative Code. Credit by Exam To apply for Credit by Exam students must make an appointment with a counselor. Students must be currently enrolled in at least one credit course at the college, must have completed at least 12 units in residence in the district, must be in good academic standing, and must have submitted transcripts from all other colleges attended. They must not have previously received a grade in the course being petitioned, or completed courses in more advanced subject matter, and must not be participating in the same course as an auditor. Students should not enroll in the course they are attempting to challenge. Units earned through Credit by Exam are clearly identified on their transcript with a grade of CRE (NC if not passed), and are subject to the acceptance policies of each individual college or university. There may be limitations on the use of such units for establishing eligibility for athletics, financial aid, veteran's benefits and other programs. Some courses may not be challenged. Consult the Office of Student Development for a list of excluded courses. Petitions must be on file with the administering instructor by Friday of the tenth week of the semester, and exam must be administered prior to the last day of the semester. Credit/No Credit Grading Option Students may choose the credit/no credit (CR/NC) grading option in courses for which letter grades are assigned. Students may elect by no later than 30% of the length of the class to request, or rescind a request for the credit/no credit option. Students will receive a grade of CR which denotes work equivalent to a letter grade of C or better. A maximum of 20 units of CR may be applied to an AA or AS degree or a Certificate of Achievement. Units earned on a credit/no credit basis shall not be used to calculate grade point averages, but they shall be considered in probation and dismissal policies. Other colleges and universities may restrict the acceptance of courses taken on a CR/NC basis, especially in satisfaction of major or general education requirements. Students should consult a counselor before choosing the credit/no credit option. Dropping a Class or Withdrawing (Always Confirm Your Drops by Reviewing Your Class Schedule) •Drop by WEB: Log onto www.venturacollege.edu, click on the "Student Central" logo, then on WebSTAR. •Drop by STAR: Drop a class using STAR during its hours of availability. It is your responsibility to make sure the class is dropped. •Drop IN-PERSON: at the Admissions & Records Office during regular business hours. Fill out the Drop form. Sign it. Turn it in for processing. You will be given a receipt. Keep your receipt. The receipt is your proof that the class was officially dropped. •Drop by MAIL: send the Admissions & Records Office a letter indicating which class(es) you want to drop. Include your social security number and signature. The postmark on the envelope will be your official drop date. If you want a receipt, please indicate that in your letter. EAC Interim Statement Class Schedule in Alternate Formats for Students with Disabilities: The Ventura College Educational Assistance Center recognizes the need to provide the class schedule in formats that are usable by individuals with disabilities. Currently, the schedule is available in print format and online at http://www.vcccd.net/si/scheds.htm. With assistive technology that is available on campus, and which many individuals also have for use at home, these formats already provide access for individuals with a number of disabilities. In addition, the EAC will prepare a large print copy of the schedule. The primary difficulty is faced by those relying on speech output or Braille for accessing information. This requires that the information be formatted online and in e-text in a manner that makes sense when using those modes of access. There are technical difficulties at the present time which prevent putting the Schedule into a format which could easily be converted to Braille. The same holds true for conversion to e-text for use in text-to-speech. In that case, the issue is having it "make sense" when presented verbally without benefit of seeing the text. The EAC and the DSPS programs at Oxnard and Moorpark Colleges, together with the District Information Technology Office, will be working to find a common solution to this District-wide problem. In the interim, someone requiring the Schedule in formats other than large print, standard print, or the current online version, should contact the EAC. The staff of the EAC will work with these individuals to ensure that their needs for access to schedule information are met in a timely, mutually determined manner that will no doubt vary from person-to-person. This interim policy will be revised when a permanent resolution to this issue is attained. 82 POLICIES & INFORMATION POLICIES & INFORMATION Equal Opportunity The Ventura County Community College District is committed to providing equal opportunity in education and to prohibiting discrimination based on race, gender, color, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or Vietnam veteran status. This commitment is in accordance with the requirements of state and federal law. All members of the college community-- students, faculty, administrators, staff, and visitors-- must be able to study and work in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. Indeed, the District is actively committed to creating and maintaining an environment that respects the dignity of everyone. If you feel that you have been subject to unlawful discrimination based on disability or in violation of the American with Disabilities Act, please contact Dr. Lyn MacConnaire, Ventura College, 4667 Telegraph Road, A building, Ventura, CA 93003. Telephone: (805) 654-6455 or e-mail: Lmacconnaire@vcccd.net. The U.S. Department of Labor Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972, prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education, programs and activities. If you have any questions about Title IX, please feel free to contact Dr. Karen Gorback at ext. 3143 or e-mail Kgorback@vcccd.net. Full-Time Student For most purposes a student is defined as full-time if registered in 12 or more units in a regular semester, 4 units or more in a Summer session. This may differ for special programs, financial aid, veteran’s benefits, etc. Harassment / Discrimination, Complaint Procedure Members of a college community--students, faculty, administrators, staff and visitors--must be able to study and work in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. Ventura County Community College District is actively committed to creating and maintaining an environment which respects the dignity of individuals and groups. The goal of Ventura County Community College District is to be sensitive to the needs of students, staff and those who interact with the college community, while preserving the rights of those against whom allegations have been made. Employees or students of the District who feel that they have been harassed or discriminated against based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, marital status or physical or mental disability have the right to file a complaint. The procedures outlined govern the process for all discrimination complaints filed by employees or students, including sexual harassment. Complaints may be filed student against student, student against employee, employee against student, employee against employee, visitor against employee, employee against visitor, etc. Complaints must be filed with the District within one year of the alleged harassment or discrimination or within one year of the date on which the Complainant knew or should have known of the facts of the alleged incident. District employees involved in any aspect of investigating or resolving a complaint of harassment or discrimination will have received training from a qualified source in advance of their service. Non-retaliation for filing--no individual will suffer retaliation as a result of filing a claim or being a witness in regard to harassment/discrimination allegations. Persons engaging in retaliation are subject to disciplinary action. DEFINITIONS: Complainant: An individual who believes that he/she has been the victim of harassment or discrimination. Respondent: An individual against whom a claim of harassment or discrimination is made. Complaint: A written allegation that a student, staff member, or other individual who interacts with VCCCD has subjected someone to harassment or discrimination. Responsible District Officer: The person at the District who is responsible for coordinating the investigations of all harassment and discrimination complaints. The District has established the following procedures to resolve charges of harassment or discrimination. The Ventura College sexual harassment facilitators are: Sandra Curiel (805) 6546487, Guadalupe Moriel-Guillen, (805) 654-6585 and Alisa S. Moore, (805) 654-6462. INFORMAL PROCESS An individual who has reason to believe that he or she has been a victim of harassment or discrimination based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status or physical or mental disability may resolve the matter through an informal process under this procedure. Participation in the informal process is optional and not a prerequisite to filing a formal complaint. 1. A person who believes that he or she has personally suffered harassment or discrimination should contact the appropriate Intake Facilitator at their location to directly discuss his or her concerns. 2. The Intake Facilitator may inform the Respondent of the possible complaint and shall meet with the Complainant to: a. understand the nature of the concern; b. give to Complainant a copy of the District’s Sexual Harassment Policy brochure and this “Complaint Procedure for Harassment/ Discrimination” document; c. inform Complainant of his or her rights under this complaint procedure; d. assist the Complainant in any way advisable. 3. If the Complainant and the Respondent agree to a proposed resolution, the resolution shall be implemented and the informal process shall be concluded. At any time during the informal process, the Complainant may initiate a formal complaint. 4. The Intake Facilitator shall keep a written log of discussions and a record of the resolution. This information shall become part of the official investigation file if the Complainant initiates a formal complaint. If the parties reach a tentative agreement upon resolution of the complaint, a letter summarizing the resolution shall be sent to the Complainant and the Respondent. A copy of this letter shall be sent to Human Resources for approval. 5. Once a complaint is put in writing and signed by the Complainant, the Complaint is considered to be formal and the formal complaint procedures should be followed. INFORMAL PROCESS 1. A person who alleges that he or she has personally suffered harassment or discrimination based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, marital status, or physical or mental disability shall complete and sign the District's Harassment/Discrimination Complaint Form within one year of the alleged incident or within one year of the date on which the Complainant knew or should have known of the facts of the harassment or discrimination incident. 2. On the complaint form, the Complainant shall describe in detail such alleged harassment or discrimination and the action the Complainant requests to resolve the matter. All written complaints shall be signed and dated by the Complainant, and shall contain at least the name(s) of the individual(s) involved, the date(s) of the event(s) at issue and detailed description of the actions constituting the alleged harassment or discrimination. Names, addresses and phone numbers of witnesses or potential witnesses should also be included, when possible. POLICIES & INFORMATION POLICIES & INFORMATION 3. The Intake Facilitator will review the complaint to determine whether it describes the kind of harassment or discrimination which is prohibited under these procedures and whether the complaint sufficiently describes the facts of the alleged misconduct. If the complaint does not describe the kind of prohibited conduct the District investigates under the procedures, the Complainant will be notified and will be referred to the appropriate process. If the complaint does not sufficiently describe the facts giving rise to the complaint so that a determination can be made regarding whether the alleged misconduct is covered under these procedures, the complaint will be returned and the Complainant will be invited to submit an amended complaint providing enough factual detail to allow the above determination to be made. 4. After a proper complaint is received, the Intake Facilitator shall investigate the charges as stated in the complaint. The Intake Facilitator shall send a copy of the complaint to the Responsible District Officer, who, after consultation with the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and the District Chancellor, shall send a copy to the State Chancellor of the California Community College System. A summary of the complaint and procedures shall also be sent to the Respondent. A copy of the complaint will be maintained in the Office of Human Resources at the District Service Office. 5. The Intake Facilitator shall meet with the Complainant to review the nature of the complaint and identify the scope and the nature of the investigation. If the Complainant fails to meet with the Intake Facilitator within a reasonable time (usually 10 working days), the Intake Facilitator will continue the investigation to the best of his/her abilities based on the written formal complaint. After meeting with the Complainant, the Intake Facilitator shall give the Respondent an opportunity to meet with him/her to receive the Respondent’s answer to the complaint and to review with Respondent the scope and nature of the investigation. Complainant and Respondent may inform the Intake Facilitator of witnesses to contact and may present documents in support of their positions. 6. Prior to completing the investigation, the Intake Facilitator shall meet again with the Complainant and the Respondent separately, to give an overview of the steps taken during the investigation, and to ask Complainant and Respondent for the names of any other individuals the Intake Facilitator might speak with to request any additional information. 7. The Responsible District Officer shall determine whether harassment or discrimination did or did not occur with respect to each allegation in the complaint. The findings shall take into consideration the severity of the conduct, the pervasiveness of the conduct, the pertinent background, and other relevant District policies. If disciplinary action is recommended, appropriate contractual due process and statutory processes will be invoked. If the Responsible District Officer finds there is no evidence to sustain the allegation, the record shall be kept confidential, except to the extent that disclosure may be required by law. The records will be destroyed to the extent the law allows. After completion of the investigation, the Intake Facilitator shall meet with the Responsible District Officer who shall be responsible for reviewing the Intake Facilitator’s report, making factual determinations, reaching a conclusion regarding the charges, and recommending appropriate action, if any. 8. In the event the complaint is against the Responsible District Officer, the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources shall appoint an investigator to review the complaint. In the event the complaint is against the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources, the District Chancellor or designee shall appoint an investigator to hear the complaint, receive the report, and make a determina tion on any final action. 9. The District shall complete its investigation and forward to the Complainant and Respondent within 90 calendar days of receiving a complaint, and the Chancellor of the California Community College System within 150 calendar days of receiving a complaint,all the following: a. a summary of the investigative report; b. a written notice setting forth: 1. the findings of the District Investigator and District Chancellor as to whether harassment or discrimination based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, marital status, or physical or mental disability did or did not occur with respect to each allegation in the complaint; 2. a description of actions to be taken, if any, to remedy any discrimination or harassment that occurred and to prevent similar problems from occurring in the future; 3. the proposed resolution of the complaint; 4. the Complainant’s right to appeal to the District Chancellor, then the State Chancellor of the California Community College System; and 5. in the event disciplinary action is recommended for the Respondent, he/she shall be entitled to all due process procedures provided by stature and/or the employee collective bargaining agreement. APPEAL RIGHTS If the Complainant is not satisfied with the results of the formal level administrative determination, the Complainant may appeal the determination by submitting objections to the District Chancellor within fifteen calendar days of the receipt of the determination. Within forty-five calendar days of receiving the Complainant’s appeal, a copy of the final District decision rendered by the District Chancellor shall be forwarded to the Complainant, the State Chancellor of the California Community College System, and, if appropriate, the Respondent. If the District Chancellor does not act within forty-five calendar days, the administrative determination shall be deemed approved and shall become the final District decision in the matter. Complainant shall have the right to file a written appeal with the State Chancellor of the California Community College System within thirty calendar days after the District Chancellor has issued the final District decision or permits the administrative determination to become final. HOW TO FILE A HARASSMENT/DISCRIMINATION COMPLAINT 1. A copy of these procedures and the Ventura County Community College District’s Harassment/Discrimination Complaint forms are available in the Office of Human Resources, the offices of the Intake Facilitators on each campus, and in the Executive Vice President’s Office on each campus. 2. Completed complaint forms may either be mailed or delivered to the Ventura County Community College District, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Human Resources, 333 Skyway Drive, Camarillo, CA 93010, or to one of the Intake Facilitators on each campus. 3. Complaints must be filed with the District within one year of the alleged unlawful harassment or discrimination or within one year of the date on which the Complainant knew or should have known of the facts of the alleged incident. 4. A person who alleges that he or she has personally suffered harassment or discrimination based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, veteran POLICIES & INFORMATION POLICIES & INFORMATION status, marital status, physical or mental disability, or one who has learned of such unlawful harassment or discrimination, shall invoke the procedures described above. 5. An individual may also file a complaint of unlawful discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2014 "T" Street, Suite 210, Sacramento, CA 98514, the United States Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, 50 United Nations Plaza, room 239, San Francisco, CA 94102, or the Department of Fair Employment and Housing may be called at 1-408291- 7352. These additional procedures may be used at the time of filing a complaint, during, or after use of the District harassment or discrimination complaint process. Filing deadlines for the aforementioned offices may vary. Note that the filing deadlines and procedures for each agency may differ. 6. Non-retaliation for filing--no individual will suffer retaliation as a result of filing a claim or being a witness in regard to harassment/ discrimination allegations. Persons engaging in retaliation are subject to disciplinary action. DISSEMINATION The District will disseminate the information regarding District policies and appropriate procedures on harassment and discrimination to all employees and students by announcing its existence in prominent places throughout the District including, but not limited to, the College Catalog and Schedule of Classes, appropriate employees and/or student publications, on official District and Union bulletin boards, and by direct communication to District employees. High School and K-8 Students See College Catalog for policies pertaining to special admission status for minors at Ventura College. A Special Admission student is one who is still attending a K-12 school and applies to take college classes at the same time. To become a special admission student, you must first see your school principal or his/her designee to obtain a Special Admission packet. All forms in the packet and a VC application must be completed, signed, and submitted to the College Admissions & Records Office. See page 6. Late Registration and Program Adjustment Students may register for the first time, add and drop classes for the first two weeks of the Fall and Spring semesters, or the first two days of Summer sessions. Students and instructors should make every attempt to ensure that all registration activity is completed by the end of the late registration and program adjustment period. The late registration and program adjustment period applies only to fullterm classes. Students planning to register in short-term classes should do so prior to the first class meeting. Matriculation Matriculation “Plan for Success” activities include orientation, assessment and group advisement. This is a process that results in an agreement between Ventura College and the student for the purpose of defining and realizing the student’s educational goal. This agreement includes responsibilities for both the College and the individual student. This agreement results in a student educational plan. The student has the right to postpone or appeal one or more of these activities: assessment (includes testing in Math, English and Reading), orientation and/or advisement. A student who chooses to postpone or appeal one or more of these activities, may not take part in early registration. If any activity is postponed, the student is required to complete it before registration for the following term begins to be able to register during early registration. Please see the Ventura College Catalog, page 13, or www.venturacollege.edu/matriculation Privacy Alert! Ventura College regards the following as “Directory Information” which may be released to the public: student’s name, address, telephone number, place of birth, current enrollment status, dates of attendance, major field of study, degrees and awards received from the College, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, the most recent public or private school attended by the student. If you desire to withhold “Directory Information,” you must provide written notification to the Executive Vice President of Student Learning prior to the first day of each semester that you are attending. In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, all other student information, excluding that designated as Directory Information, cannot be released to a third party without written permission submitted to the College by the student. This law applies to all students attending Ventura College regardless of the student’s age. Note: Ventura College will respond to requests for information that fall within the scope of the Solomon Amendment, and to subpoenas and court orders' as required by law. Requesting VC Transcripts To request official copies of your transcripts, complete and submit a Transcript Request Form at the Admissions & Records Office. Faxes and e-mails are not accepted. Requests are accepted by mail, providing they include all of the following: • full name including priors • date of birth • period of attendance • social security number • clear instructions as to where transcripts are to be sent •and signature of the student. Fee: $3.00 for regular processing, $5.00 for “RUSH” processing. The first two transcripts are free of charge. Allow a minimum of two weeks. Student Conduct, Grievance, Sexual Assault Policy The following information is available in detail in the Ventura College Catalog: Standards of Student Conduct Policy (E.C.S. 66300) under Appendix I. Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the standards of the College. Student Grievance Policy under Appendix II. A grievance is an allegation of unjust action or denial of student rights. Sexual Assault Policy under Appendix X. Student Registration In Selective Service Under existing federal law, the Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S.C., App. 451 et seq.) requires certain males residing in the United States to register for the Military Service. If you are required to register for Selective Service and fail to do so, you may not be eligible to receive financial aid from any of the programs administered by the Student Aid Commission. For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office. Student Responsibility Ventura College students are responsible for knowing the information in this Schedule and the Ventura College Catalog. Failure to read and understand these policies, regulations and deadlines does not exempt a student from the consequences of non-compliance. POLICIES & INFORMATION POLICIES & INFORMATION Student Right-to-Know (SRTK) Disclosure In compliance with the federal Student-Right-to-Know law (SRTK), it is the policy of the Ventura County Community College District and Ventura College to make available its completion and transfer rates to all current and prospective students. Beginning in Fall 1996, a group of all certificate-, degree-, and transfer-seeking first- time, full-time students were tracked over a three-year period. (As a result, approx. 3% of all community college students statewide were included in the 1996 study.) The completion and transfer rates are listed below, along with a brief description of how these rates are defined. These rates do not represent the success rates of the entire student population at Ventura College, nor do they account for student outcomes occurring after this three-year tracking period. The rates below exclude part-time students, continuing students, students attending Ventura College to obtain or upgrade job skills, improve basic skills, maintain licenses, working toward high school credits, pursuing lifelong learning, etc. The rates below do not include any students who took longer than 2 years to complete their academic goal. The “transfer rate” does not include any students who first completed a degree or certificate or became “transferred prepared” prior to transferring. The “completion rate” results for the SRTK study described above was 39.5% for VC. The completion rate is the percent of students from the group studied who attained a certificate or degree or became “transferred prepared” during a three year period from Fall 1996 to Spring 1999. Transfer-prepared was defined by the study as having completed 56 transferable units with a minimum GPA of 2.0. The transfer rate result for the SRTK study of Ventura College from the 1998 cohort data was 27.2%. Caution: the transfer rate does not count students who attained a certificate or degree prior to transferring to another post-secondary institution such as UC or CSU. General information about SRTK is available to the public through the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community College System Web site: http:// srtk.cccco.edu/683/98index.htm. Title IX Prohibits Discrimination Individuals wishing information concerning Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education, programs and activities, should direct their inquiries to Dr. Karen Gorback, Title IX Committee Chair, Ventura College, Community Services Department, 71 Day Road, Ventura, CA 93003. Phone: (805) 654-6400 x3143. Fax: (805) 654-6466. e- mail: Kgorback@vcccd.net. Title IV Funds, Return of There is a federal law about paying back money if you leave school. If you get a GRANT or LOAN and then WITHDRAW from all your classes, you will OWE money to the federal Student Financial Aid Program. According to the date you withdraw, the Financial Aid Office will calculate the part of the grant that you have "earned." NOTE: If you withdraw after you have earned 60% of your grant, you do not owe any repayment. The Financial Aid Office will calculate the amount for you. If you receive LOAN money and withdraw, you will pay back the money according to the normal rules of the loan program. If you receive WORKSTUDY money and withdraw, you do not owe anything. Begin the withdrawal process at the Counseling Office. Second, go to the Office of Student Financial Aid. It is important that you take care of these details prior to withdrawing. Failure to do so will result in a hold on your student aid eligibility with the federal government at any institution. Transcript Requirements All new, continuing and returning students are required to submit official transcripts from all high schools, colleges and universities they have attended. Students do not need to submit transcripts from Moorpark or Oxnard College. The transcripts should be directed to: Ventura College Admissions & Records Office 4667 Telegraph Road Ventura, CA 93003 Veterans Educational Benefits Veterans of military service who participated in the GI Bill and are eligible to claim educational benefits may file the necessary application with the veteran's benefits representative in the Admissions & Records Office. Transcripts Requirement: Veterans are required to submit transcripts from all other colleges and universities they have attended to Ventura College prior to the end of their first semester in attendance. Unsatisfactory Progress for Veterans: For the purpose of certification for educational benefits, academic probation is defined as the failure to complete a minimum of 50% of the total units attempted and/or to maintain a minimum of 2.00 cumulative grade point average. Unsatisfactory progress occurs when a veteran has been placed on academic probation for two consecutive semesters. Consult the veteran's benefits representative for information. RESIDENCE STATUS INFORMATION RESIDENCE STATUS INFORMATION California Residence Status for Community College Students California residence status determines the amount of fees and tuition a student will pay. The three residence classifications are California resident, California non-resident, and international or undocumented student. There are exceptions to residency regulations that apply under a variety of special circumstances. Please read on: 1. California residents have lived in California for one year or more, and have taken steps that confirm their intent to establish themselves as California residents. FEES: Enrollment fee, health fee, student center fee, materials fees if applicable, and the remote access fee for online or phone registration. 2. California non-residents have either lived in California for less than one year or are unable to show subjective proof that they have taken steps consistent with the establishment of residence. FEES: Nonresident tuition, enrollment fee, health fee, student center fee, materials fees and the remote access fee for online or phone registration if applicable. EXCEPTION: persons who lived in California, attended three years of high school and graduated from a California high school prior to moving out of state may be eligible for exemption from nonresident tuition. 3. International students are admitted to the U.S. under a variety of visa types, the most common being F-1 and M-1 student visas. Under some of these visas, such as the F-1 and M-1 visas, holders are precluded from establishing residence and will always be considered international students under the visa. FEES: Nonresident tuition, international student surcharge, enrollment fee, health fee, student center fee, materials fee if applicable, and remote access for online or phone registration. 4. Undocumented students are not U.S. citizens and are present in the U.S. without a visa or other recognized documentation. FEES: They may be required to pay nonresident tuition and will have to pay enrollment fee, health fee, student center fee, materials fee if applicable, and remote access fee for online or phone registration. EXCEPTION: Some undocumented students may qualify for exemption from nonresident tuition under AB540 if they have attended three years at a California high school and graduated from a California high school and have taken or will take (as soon as possible) steps to apply for a change of status. 5. Resident Aliens may be classified as California resident or nonresident, see items #1 and #2 above. Resident or nonresident fees will apply based on classification. 6. Requirements for California Residence: one year of physical presence in California (living here) and actions that express intent to establish permanent residence. 7. Proof of Residence includes but is not limited to the following: California voter registration, vehicle registration, marriage license, business or professional practice license, filing California taxes as a resident or part-year resident, selective service registration with California address, California drivers license or ID card, purchase of a home, lease or rental agreement, local bank accounts. Multiple proofs are required, and must be dated at least one year and one day before the first day of the semester for which residence classification is sought. See the College Catalog for more information. 8. Military (active duty) and dependents: may be classified as California resident or nonresident according to steps #1 or #2. EXCEPTION: Regardless of residence classification, active-duty military personnel and dependents are exempt from requirement to pay nonresident tuition for the duration of the service member's assignment to California. 9. Marital status: Regardless of marital status, individuals are responsible for establishing their own residence in California. 10. Minors: Minors are attached to their parents for residence determination until the age of 18. Residence will be determined on the parents' proofs of residence. Consult the Ventura College Catalog and the Admissions Office for more information. Residence Information 87 AA / AS GENERAL EDUCATION - 2003-2004 AA / AS GENERAL EDUCATION - 2003-2004 BASIC REQUIREMENTS Completion of 60 semester units of degree-applicable college work with not less than a 2.00 GPA and completion of residency and competency requirements. English/Reading competency met through completion of General Education requirements. See Ventura College Catalog and your counselor for more information. SPECIFIC MAJOR AA/AS GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: The completion of at least 24 units of general education, in addition to those units used to satisfy the requirements for the major. A. NATURAL SCIENCES - a minimum of 6 units 1. One course in biological science AG V03, V04, V54; ANAT V01; ANPH V01; ANTH V01, V01L; BIOL V01, V03, V04, V10, V12, V14, V18, V29, V29L; MICR V01; PHSO V01; PSY V03. 2. One course in physical science AST V01, V02; CHEM V01A, V01AL, V01B, V01BL, V10, V10L, V12A, V12AL, V12B, V12BL, V20, V20L, V21, V21L; GEOG V01, V01L, V05; GEOL V02, V02L, V03, V07, V11; PHSC V01; PHYS V01, V02A-V02AL, V02B-V02BL, V03A-V03AL, V03B-V03BL, V04-V04L, V05V05L, V06-V06L. B. SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES - a minimum of 6 units 1. One course in American history and institutions AES V02A, V02B, V22, V40A, V40B, V63; HIST V02A, V02B, V03A, V03B, V04B, V05A, V05B, V07A, V07B, V12, V16, V17; POLS V01, V03. 2. One other course in social and behavioral sciences AES V01, V02A, V02B, V11, V20, V21A, V21B, V22, V23, V24, V40A, V40B, V41, V42A, V42B, V61, V62, V63; ANTH V02, V03, V04, V06, V07; AAS V01; BUS V30; CHST V01, V02, V24; CD V61; CJ V01, V02A, V15; ECON V01A, V01B; GEOG V02, V06; HIST V01A, V01B, V02A, V02B, V03A, V03B, V04A, V04B, V05A, V05B, V06, V07A, V07B, V08, V09, V10A, V10B, V12, V13, V14A, V14B, V15, V16, V17, V18A, V18B, V19, V20; HEC V22, V23, V24; JOUR V01; POLS V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V09, V10, V11, V14, V15, V16; PSY V01, V02, V05, V07-V07L, V15, V25, V29, V30, V31; SOC V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V07, V24, V31. C. HUMANITIES - a minimum of 6 units 1. One course in fine or performing arts AES V10, V12, V65; ART V01, V02A, V02B, V03, V04, V05, V06, V07, V08, V11A, V12A, V13A, V19, V51A; HEC V05A; MUS V01, V03, V06, V07, V08, V09A, V09B; PHOT V01, V02, V07; THA V01, V02A, V20, V24A, V24B, V29. 2. One course in humanities AES V30, V31, V54; ENGL V01B, V02B, V07A, V07B, V10, V11A, V15, V16, V21A, V21B, V22A, V22B, V23, V26, V30, V31, V32A, V32B, V33, V34, V132A, V132B, V133, V134; FREN V01, V02, V03, V04, V51A, V51B, V51C; GERM V01, V02, V03, V04, V51A, V51B, V51C; HIST V01A, V01B, V18A, V18B; IDS V08; ITAL V01, V02, V51A, V51B; JAPN V01, V02, V51A, V51B; PHIL V01, V02, V03A, V03B, V04, V06A, V06B, V07; READ V02B; SL V10A, V10B, V10C; SPAN V01, V02, V03, V03S, V04, V04S, V10A, V10B, V10C, V10D, V20, V51A, V51B, V71; SPCH V05; THA V23, V30A. D. LANGUAGE AND RATIONALITY - a minimum of 6 units 1. One course in English composition BUS V44, V45; ENGL V01A, V02A; JOUR V05A, V105; SUP V81. 2. One course in communication and analytical thinking BUS V06; BIS V40; CS V04, V11, V15, V17, V20, V22, V30, V32, V40, V80, V82, V86; DRFT V03; ENGL V01B; MATH V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V11B, V20, V21A, V21B, V21C, V24, V30, V38, V40, V44, V45, V46A, V46B, V52; PHIL V04, V05; PSY V04; READ V01, V02A; SPCH V01, V10, V15. E. HEALTH/PHYSICAL EDUCATION - a minimum of 2 courses 1. One course in health education HED V93, V95. 2. One course in physical activity AES V15; CJ V10, V11, V12A, V12B; DANC V10-V50; EAC V21, V25, V26, V27; HED V85, V92, V94, V97; HEC V10, V97; PE V01-V22, V30V87, V91-V94, V97-V99; REC V41; THA V14. MAJOR REQUIREMENTS Completion of all courses required (at least 18 units) in a designated area specified in the Ventura College Catalog. GENERAL LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES AA I. Completion of the pattern (A-E) specified above, plus 9 additional units from areas A-D, plus area F (E/WS) below; or II. Completion of at least 36 units selected from the GE pattern and/or major preparation courses required by a transfer institution, to include 3 units each from areas A, B, and C above, plus all of areas D and E above and F below. F. ETHNIC/WOMEN'S STUDIES - a minimum of one course AES V01, V02A, V02B, V10, V11, V20, V21A, V21B, V22, V23, V24, V30, V31, V40A, V40B, V41, V42A, V42B, V61, V62, V63, V65; ANTH V02, V04, V06; ART V03, V07, V08; AAS V01; CHST V01, V02, V24; ENGL V02B, V32A, V32B, V33, V34, V132A, V132B, V133, V134; HIST V02A,V02B, V03A, V03B, V04B, V05A, V05B, V10A, V10B, V12, V13, V14A, V14B, V15, V17, V19; MUS V03; POLS V11, V14; PSY V30; READ V02B;SOC V03, V04, V24; SPAN V20, V71. NOTE: The completion of GE and major requirements for an AA/AS does not necessarily make the student eligible to transfer to a university. For transfer requirements, consult the college catalog and your counselor. A.A. / A.S. Requirements 95 INTERSEGMENTAL GENERAL EDUCATION TRANSFER CURRICULUM (IGETC) 2003-2004 INTERSEGMENTAL GENERAL EDUCATION TRANSFER CURRICULUM (IGETC) 2003-2004 CSU/ UC General Education Requirements Approved General Education courses: Each must have a grade of C or better. 1. ENGLISH COMMUNICATION CSU — Complete groups A, B and C. UC — Complete groups A and B. A. English Composition: 1 course, 3 semester units. ENGL V01A. B. Critical Thinking — English Composition: 1 course, 3 semester units. ENGL V01B; PHIL V05. C. Oral Communication (CSU requirement only): 1 course, 3 semester units. SPCH V01, V10. 2. MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS and QUANTITATIVE REASONING: 1 course, 3 semester units . CS V17; MATH V04*, V20*, V21A*, V21B*, V21C, V24, V40, V44*, V45*, V46A*, V46B*, V52; PSY V04*. 3. ARTS and HUMANITIES: At least 3 courses, with at least one course from the Arts and one course from the Humanities; 9 semester units. A. Arts AES V10, V12, V65; ART V01, V02A, V02B, V03, V04, V05, V06, V07, V08; MUS V03, V06, 07, V08, V09A, V09B; PHOT V07; THA V01, V24A, V24B, V29. B. Humanities AES V31, V54; ENGL V07A*, V07B*, V15, V16, V21A, V21B, V22A, V22B, V23, V26, V30, V31, V32A, V32B, V33, V34; FREN V02, V03, V04; GERM V02, V03, V04; HIST V01A, V01B, V18A, V18B; IDS V08; ITAL V02; JAPN V02; PHIL V01, V02, V03A, V03B, V04, V06A, V06B, V07; SL V10B, V10C; SPAN V02*, V03*, V03S*, V04*, V04S*, V20, V71; THA V23. 4. SOCIAL and BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES: At least 3 courses from at least 2 disciplines or an interdisciplinary sequence; 9 semester units. AES V01, V02A*, V02B*, V11, V20, V21A, V21B, V22, V23, V40A*, V40B*, V41, V42A, V42B, V61, V62, V63*; ANTH V02, V03, V04, V06, V07; AAS V01; CHST V01, V02; ECON V01A, V01B; GEOG V02, V06; HIST V01A, V01B, V02A*, V02B*, V03A*, V03B*, V04A, V04B, V05A*, V05B*, V06, V07A*, V07B*, V08, V09, V10A, V10B, V12, V13, V14A, V14B, V15, V16, V17*, V18A, V18B, V19, V20; HEC V24*; JOUR V01; POLS V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V11, V14, V15, V16; PSY V01, V02, V05, V07-V07L, V15, V25, V29, V30, V31*; SOC V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V07, V31*. 5. PHYSICAL and BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: At least 2 courses, one physical science course and one biological science course, one of which must include a laboratory corresponding to selected lecture; 7-9 semester units. A. Physical Sciences AST V01, V02; CHEM V01A, V01AL, V01B, V01BL, V10*, V10L*, V12A*, V12AL*, V12B, V12BL, V20*, V20L*, V21*, V21L*; GEOG V01, V01L, V05; GEOL V02, V02L, V03, V07, V11; PHYS V01*, V02A*, V02AL, V02B*, V02BL, V03A*, V03AL, V03B*, V03BL, V04*, V04L, V05*, V05L, V06*, V06L. B. Biological Sciences AG V03; ANAT V01*; ANPH V01*; ANTH V01; BIOL V01*, V03, V04, V10, V12*, V18, V29, V29L; MICR V01; PHSO V01*; PSY V03. 6. LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH (UC Requirement Only) Proficiency equivalent to two years of high school study in the same language with a C or better or complete one (1) course. FREN V01; GERM V01; ITAL V01; JAPN V01; SL V10A; SPAN V01* or both V10A* & V10B*. *UC course credit may be limited. Please consult counselor for additional information. CSU GRADUATION REQUIREMENT IN U.S. HISTORY, CONSTITUTION and AMERICAN IDEALS (Not part of IGETC; may be completed prior to transfer.) 6 units, one course from Group 1 and one course from Group 2. Group 1. POLS V01, V03; Group 2. HIST V02A, V02B, V04B, V07A, V07B. Consult your counselor or www.assist.org for other courses which may have been approved for this CSU requirement. NOTE: Courses used to meet this requirement may not be used to satisfy requirements for IGETC. General Education Notes The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) is a general education program which community college transfer students can use to fulfill lower division general education/breadth requirements for either the California State University (CSU) or the University of California (UC) system without the need, after transfer, to take additional lower division general education courses. CAVEAT — These courses and requirements are subject to change. Students should consult a counselor or appropriate Web sites to receive the most current transfer information. ADMISSION -- Upper division or advanced standing admission criteria (for those students who were ineligible to attend CSU or UC as high school graduates) are based on three components: 1) Units -- a minimum number of transferable semester units (56 for most CSUs; 60 for SDSU & 60 for all CSUs by Fall '05; 60 for UC; maximum 70 for both); 2) Scholarship -- a minimum cumulative GPA in all transferable coursework (2.0 for CSU; 2.4 for UC; higher for non-California residents); and 3) Subject area requirements (i.e. a-g requirements and the ways in which students satisfy these requirements differ between CSU and UC). These admission criteria specify only minimum standards. CSU and/or UC may apply more rigorous standards as enrollment demand changes. All potential transfer students are expected to read the CSU and UC publications for transfers available in the Ventura College Counseling Office and the Transfer Center. SELECTION CRITERIA FOR UC -- When the number of applicants for some campuses and some majors exceeds the number of spaces available, campuses use standards which are more demanding than the minimum admissions requirements to select students. These selection criteria identify those students who have demonstrated the capacity for high academic achievement. The selection criteria are subject to change by campus, school or college, major and/or term. Applicants must complete both the necessary lower division mathematics and English composition requirements with grades of C or better for most campuses by the end of the spring semester prior to transfer in the fall. Some campuses require the completion of the English and mathematics requirements by the end of the fall semester prior to transfer in the following fall. Also, some campuses require that the 60-unit minimum and the four-course pattern (with grades of C or better) be completed by the end of the spring semester prior to transfer in the fall. All potential transfers are expected to peruse the UC publications "Answers for Transfers" and "Introducing the University" which are published annually for the forthcoming academic year. These are available in the Ventura College Counseling Office and the Transfer Center. 96 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY 2003-2004 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY 2003-2004 General Education / Breadth Requirements California law empowers Ventura College to certify to all campuses of CSU that a maximum of 39 units of the 48 units typically required for general education for a baccalaureate degree have been completed. The 39 semester units for the lower division general education/breadth requirements are distributed according to the pattern listed on the CSU-GE Certification Plan. Additionally, students will have major preparation courses to complete. Courses listed are subject to change. General Education Courses AREA A - COMMUNICATION IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND CRITICAL THINKING. A minimum of nine (9) units, with at least one course selected from each group (1, 2, and 3) and a grade of C or better in each course: Group 1 - Oral Communication SPCH V01, V10. Group 2 - Written Communication ENGL V01A. Group 3 - Critical Thinking ENGL V01B; PHIL V04, V05; SPCH V10. AREA B -PHYSICAL UNIVERSE AND ITS LIFE FORMS. A minimum of nine (9) units, with at least one course selected from each group (1, 2, 3 and 4) to include one laboratory activity course: Group 1 - Physical Science AST V01, V02; CHEM V01A, V01AL, V01B, V01BL, V10, V10L, V12A, V12AL, V12B, V12BL, V20, V20L, V21, V21L; GEOG V01, V01L, V05; GEOL V02, V02L, V03, V07, V11; PHSC V01; PHYS V01, V02A-V02AL, V02B-V02BL, V03A-V03AL, V03B-V03BL, V04-V04L, V05-V05L, V06-V06L. Group 2 - Life Science AG V03, V04, V54; ANAT V01; AHPH V01; ANTH V01, V01L; BIOL V01, V03, V04, V10, V12, V14, V18, V29, V29L; MICR V01; PHSO V01; PSY V03. Group 3 - Laboratory Activity Group 4 - Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning* CS V17; MATH V04, V05, V20, V21A, V21B, V21C, V24, V38, V40, V44, V45, V46A, V46B, V52; PSY V04. *Requires a grade of C or better. AREA C -ARTS , LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES. A minimum of nine (9) units, with at least one course selected from each group (1 and 2): Group 1 - Arts AES V10, V12, V65; ART V01, V02A, V02B, V03, V04, V05, V06, V07, V08, V12A, V13A, V19, V51A; MUS V01, V03, V06, V07, V08, V09A, V09B; PHOT V01, V07; THA V01, V02A, V24A, V24B, V29. Group 2 - Humanities AES V31, V54; ENGL V01B, V07A, V07B, V10, V11A, V15, V16, V21A, V21B, V22A, V22B, V23, V26, V30, V31, V32A, V32B, V33, V34; FREN V01, V02, V03, V04; GERM V01, V02, V03, V04; HIST V01A, V01B, V18A, V18B; IDS V08; ITAL V01, V02; JAPN V01, V02; PHIL V01, V02, V03A, V03B, V04, V06A, V06B, V07; SL V10A, V10B, V10C; SPAN V01, V02, V03, V03S, V04, V04S, V10B, V10C, V10D, V20, V71; SPCH V05; THA V23. AREA D -SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS AND BEHAVIOR; HISTORICAL BACKGROUND. A minimum of nine (9) units, with courses in at least two (2) separate disciplines selected from at least two (2) groups: Group 1 - Anthropology and Archeology AES V01; ANTH V02, V03, V04, V06, V07. Group 2 - Economics ECON V01A, V01B. Group 3 - Ethnic Studies AES V01, V02A, V02B, V11, V20, V22, V23, V24, V40A, V40B, V41, V62, V63; ANTH V04; AAS V01; CHST V01, V02, V24; HIST V03A. , V03B, V05A, V05B, V12, V13, V17; PSY V30; SOC V03, V24; SPAN V71 . Group 4 - Gender Studies ANTH V06; HIST V02A+, V02B+; SOC V04. Group 5 - Geography GEOG V02, V06. Group 6 - History AES V02A, V02B, V21A, V21B, V22, V40A, V40B, V41, V42A, V42B, V61, V63; HIST V01A, V01B, V02A+, V02B+, V03A, V03B, V04A, V04B+, V05A, V05B, V06, V07A+, V07B+, V08, V09, V10A, V10B, V12, V13, V14A, V14B, V15, V16, V17, V18A, V18B, V19, V20. Group 7 - Interdisciplinary Social or Behavioral Science CD V61; HEC V22, V23, V24; JOUR V01. Group 8 - Political Science, Government, and Legal Institutions CJ V01, V02A, V15; POLS V01‡, V02, V03‡, V04, V05, V09, V10, V11, V14, V15, V16. Group 9 - Psychology PSY V01, V02, V05, V07-V07L, V15, V25, V29, V30, V31; S0C V31. Group 10 - Sociology and Criminology AES V11, V24; CHST V24; CJ V03; PSY V31; SOC V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V07, V24, V31. + Will satisfy U.S. History and American Ideals requirement. . Will satisfy U.S. History and American Ideals requirement through summer 2004. ‡ Will satisfy American, State and Local Government requirement. AREA E - LIFELONG UNDERSTANDING AND SELF-DEVELOPMENT. A minimum of three (3) units, with no more than one (1) unit of physical activity: AES V11, V15*; ANTH V02; ART V01; BIOL V10, V12, V18; *CJ V10, V11, V12A, V12B; *DANC V10-V50; *EAC V21, V25-V27; HED V92, V93, V95, V97; HIST V02A+, V02B+; HEC V10, V22, V24, V97; *PE V01-V22, V30-V54, V56-V67, V69-V87, V91-V94, V97-V99; PSY V01, V02, V25; *REC V41; SOC V03; SPCH V03; *THA V14. *Physical activity courses limited to one (1) unit in satisfaction of Area E requirements. +Will satisfy U.S. History and American Ideals requirement. CSU General Transfer Information CAVEAT — The courses and requirements described herein are subject to change. Students should consult a counselor and appropriate Web sites (e.g., www.CSUMentor.edu and www.assist.org) to receive the most current transfer information. ADMISSION — A Ventura College student who qualifies for admission to CSU is guaranteed admission to the California State University. However, students are not assured of admission to the campus and/or major of first choice. Consult your counselor for further information. CSU General Education Requirements 97 ADMISSION CODES FOR APPLICATION ADMISSION CODES FOR APPLICATION Forms/Formularios Question 7 — States Question 17 1 Alabama 19 Louisiana 37 Oklahoma University of California 2 3 4 Alaska Arizona Arkansas 20 21 22 Maine Maryland Massachusetts 38 39 40 Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island 017846 UC, Berkeley 577750 UC, Davis 307781 UC, Irvine 337797 377837 427677 UC, Riverside UC, San Diego UC, Santa Barbara 5 6 California Colorado 23 24 Michigan Minnesota 41 42 South Carolina South Dakota 197887 UC, Los Angeles 447765 UC, Santa Cruz 7 8 Connecticut Delaware 25 26 Mississippi Missouri 43 44 Tennessee Texas California State University and Colleges 9 District of Columbia 27 Montana 45 Utah 156250 CSU, Bakersfield 196140 Cal Poly, Pomona 10 Florida 28 Nebraska 46 Vermont 046242 CSU, Chico 346760 CSU, Sacramento 11 12 13 14 Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois 29 30 31 32 Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico 47 48 49 50 Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin 196135 106260 306106 016178 CSU, Dominguez Hills CSU, Fresno CSU, Fullerton CSU, Hayward 366184 376720 386796 436727 CSU, San Bernardino CSU, San Diego CSU, San Francisco CSU, San Jose 15 16 17 Indiana Iowa Kansas 33 34 35 New York North Carolina North Dakota 51 Wyoming If not U.S. list country 126450 196131 196133 CSU, Humboldt CSU, Long Beach CSU, Los Angeles 376820 406145 496710 CSU, San Marcos Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo CSU, Sonoma 18 Kentucky 36 Ohio 196770 CSU, Northridge 506730 CSU, Stanislaus Question 14 -- High Schools 563454 Oxnard 563027 Pacific 563089 Pacifica 563476 Rio Mesa 563500 Royal 564536 Santa Clara 563577 Santa Paula 563032 Santa Susana 563618 Simi Valley 564486 St. Bonaventure 563700 Thousand Oaks 563782 Ventura 564823 Villanova 563011 Westlake 193008 Agoura 563079 Buena 563161 Camarillo 563174 Channel Islands 563029 El Camino 563202 Fillmore 563034 Foothill Technology 563284 Hueneme 564310 La Reina 563325 Moorpark 563374 Newbury Park 563407 Nordhoff 563013 Oak Park Community Colleges 425213 Allan Hancock College 345023 American River College 195020 Antelope Valley Com. College 155050 Bakersfield College 365074 Barstow College 045115 Butte College 445076 Cabrillo College 415062 Canada College 195154 Cerritos College 155001 Cerro Coso Com. College 015235 Chabot College 365210 Chaffey College 195177 Citrus College 385092 City College of San Francisco 305001 Coastline CommunityCollege 195346 195365 195953 195384 195387 195390 195396 075269 235001 245475 015570 375509 435861 505500 275270 Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Southwest Coll. Los Angeles Trade-Tech Coll. Los Angeles Valley College Los Medanos College Mendocino College Merced College Merritt College Mira Costa College Mission College Modesto Junior College Monterey Peninsula College 015257 College of Alameda 565320 Moorpark College Question 16 -- Majors 215060 415151 College of Marin College of San Mateo 195475 335403 Mt. San Antonio College Mt. San Jacinto College 1234 Accounting 2346 Home Economics 195175 College of the Canyons 285540 Napa Valley College 1236 Administration of Justice 2347 Hotel & Restaurant Mgmt. 335125 College of the Desert 015610 Ohlone College 1237 Administrative Aide 2350 Industrial Safety 125140 College of the Redwoods 305525 Orange Coast College 1239 Agriculture 2356 Information Processing Systems 545071 College of the Sequoias 565321 Oxnard College 1245 Air Conditioning/Refrigeration 4789 Interior Design 475200 College of the Siskiyous 335565 Palo Verde College 1246 Alcohol/Drug Studies 2360 International Studies 555055 Columbia College 375542 Palomar College 1248 Anthropology 2357 Journalism 195196 Compton Com. College 195575 Pasadena City College 1249 Architecture 2359 Laser/Electro-opticsTechnology 075190 Contra Costa College 545364 Porterville College 1256 Art 2368 Legal Assisting 345124 Cosumnes River College 305609 Rancho Santiago College 1257 Automotive 2369 Liberal Arts 365211 Crafton Hills College 195658 Rio Hondo College 1259 Behavioral Science 2375 Logistics 405650 Cuesta College 335687 Riverside Com. College 1267 Bilingual/Cross Cultural 2379 Machine Shop 375250 Cuyamaca College 345740 Sacramento City College 1268 Biology 2456 Mathematics 305191 Cypress College 305579 Saddleback College 0430 Biotechnology 2458 Music 435184 DeAnza College 365594 SanBernardino ValleyCollege 1278 Business 2468 Nursing 075268 Diablo Valley College 375663 San Diego City College 1289 Chemistry 2469 Office Technology/Secretarial 195217 East Los Angeles College 375693 San Diego Mesa College 1345 Chicano Studies 2489 Petroleum Technology 195225 El Camino College 375300 San Diego Miramar College 1346 Child Development 2567 Philosophy 435679 Evergreen Valley College 395670 San Joaquin Delta College 1358 Construction Technology 2568 Photography 325335 Feather River College 435680 San Jose City College 1360 Computer Sciences 2569 Physical Education 435227 Foothill College 425560 Santa Barbara City College 1378 Dance 2589 Physics 105240 Fresno City College 195825 Santa Monica College 1389 Drafting Technology 2678 Political Science 305240 Fullerton College 495690 Santa Rosa Junior College 1458 Economics 2679 Predental 435263 Gavilan College 455695 Shasta College 1459 Electronics 2689 Premedical 195257 Glendale Com. College 315730 Sierra College 1464 Emergency Medical Services 3456 Psychiatric Technology 305282 Golden West College 415711 Skyline College 1467 Engineering 3457 Psychology 375249 Grossmont College 485825 Solano Com. College 1468 English 3459 Radio-Television-Film 275129 Hartnell Community College 375807 Southwestern College 1475 Environmental Sciences 3460 Radiologic Technology 135570 Imperial Valley College 155580 Taft College 1478 Ethnic & Special Studies 3467 Real Estate 215001 Indian Valley College 565741 Ventura College 1479 Exotic Animal Training & Mgmt. 3468 Recreation 305580 Irvine Valley College 365790 Victor Valley College 1489 Fashion Design/Merchandising 3469 Religious Studies 105523 Kings River Com. College 015236 Vista College 1567 Fire Technology 3567 Sociology 095001 Lake Tahoe Com. College 105131 West Hills College 1568 Food Management 3578 Speech 015450 Laney College 195952 West Los Angeles College 1569 Foreign Languages 3678 Teaching/Liberal Studies 185420 Lassen College 435860 West Valley College 1579 General Studies 3679 Telecommunications 195337 Long Beach City College 585925 Yuba College 1589 Geography 3689 Theatre Arts 1678 Geology 4569 Urban Studies 1689 Graphic Communications/ 4579 Water Science Design/Production 4589 Welding Independent Colleges and Universities 1769 Hazardous Materials 4599 Word Processing 568120 Cal Lutheran University 1789 Health Sciences 4400 Transfer-Other 198904 University of Southern California 2000 High School Special 4500 Undecided/Undeclared 198329 University of LaVerne Admissions Program 4600 Vocational - Other 2345 History 98 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION OFFICE USE ONLY Res.Code:_____________ Ventura County Community College District Application for Admission Ventura College • 4667 Telegraph Road • Ventura, CA 93003 1. I plan to attend: Moorpark College Oxnard College Ventura College 2. I am applying for the: Year 20______ Spring Semester Summer Session Fall Semester 3. Social Security Number: _______________________________ 4. Name: _______________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Initial 5. Previous Last Name (if you attended under another name): 6. Date of Birth: _________ -- _________--_________ Month Day Year 7. State Birthplace: California Other ___________(see page 98 for codes) 8. Sex: Male Female 9. Address: _____________________________________________ (Number and Street) 10. City/State: ___________________________________________ 11. Zip Code: __________________________ 12. Day Phone (include area code) __________________________________ 13. Evening Phone (include area code) ______________________________ 14. Last High School Attended: ____________________________ (Use codes on page 98) Name: _______________________________________________ City: ______________________________ State: _________ 15. High School Graduation or date last attended:____ -- ____ Month Year 16. Proposed Major (Obtain code from page 98) ________________ 17. Last College Attended (Obtain code from page 98) __________ Name: _______________________________________________ City: ______________________________ State: _________ 18. California Driver's License Number: ____________________ 19. Ethnic Survey: A Asian HR Central American AC Chinese HS South American AI Asian Indian HX Other Hispanic AJ Japanese N American Indian/ AK Korean Alaskan Native AL Laotian O Other Non-White AM Cambodian P Pacific Islander AV Vietnamese PG Guamanian AX Other Asian PH Hawaiian B Black, Non-Hispanic PS Samoan F Filipino W White H Hispanic X Unknown HM Mexican, Mex.-Amer., Chicano XD Decline to state 20. Primary Language: English Not English 21. Citizenship Status: U.S. Citizen Not a U.S. Citizen 2 Permanent Resident (Immigrant) Visa 3 Temporary Resident/Amnesty 4 Refugee/Asylee 5 Student Visa (F-1 or M-1) 6 Other Visa or Visa type X Unknown 22. Student Academic Level (Please indicate your education status at the beginning of the semester for which you are applying. Mark the highest level of education attained.) Not a High School Graduate: 000 Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school. 100 Special admit student currently enrolled in K-12 school. 200 Currently enrolled in Adult School. High school graduate without a college degree: 300 Received high school diploma 400 Passed the GED, or received a High School Certificate of Equivalency/Completion 500 Received a Certificate of California HIgh School Proficiency Exam 600 Foreign Secondary School Diploma/Certificate of Graduation College Degree: 700 Received an Associate Degree 800 Received a Bachelor Degree or higher Unknown: xxx Unknown Date of the highest level of education attained or the date last attended: _______________________ -- __________________ Month Year 23. Student Enrollment Status (Mark one) 1 First-time student. A student enrolled in any college for the first time. 2 First-time transfer student. A student enrolled at this college for the first time and who has transferred from another college after earning credit. 3 Returning transfer student. A student who has previously attended this college, transferred to another college, and has now returned to this college. 4 Returning student. A student enrolled at this college after an absence of one or more regular sessions without interim attendance at another college. 5 Special admissions student. A student who is currently enrolled in K-10 or a senior high school student currently enrolled in 11-12. 24. Student Educational Goal (Select your highest priority) A Obtain a bachelor's degree after completing an associate's degree B Obtain a bachelor's degree without completing an associate's degree C Obtain a two year associate's degree without transfer D Obtain a two year vocational degree without transfer E Earn a vocational certificate without transfer F Discover/formulate career interests, plans, goals G Prepare for new career (acquire job skills) H Advance in current job/career (update job skills) I Maintain certificate or license (e.g. Nursing, Real Estate). J Educational development (intellectual, cultural) K Improve basic skills in English, reading or math L Complete credits for high school diploma or GED M Undecided on goal 25. How did you hear about Ventura College: (Check all that apply) Newspaper Radio Television Poster Direct Mail Flyer Friend or Family High School Class Schedule Information Booth Other___________________________ LEGAL RESIDENCE FORM LEGAL RESIDENCE FORM All students classified incorrectly as residents are subject to reclassification and to payment of all nonresident fees not paid. ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER ______________________________________________________ TODAY’S DATE ______________________________ NAME (Print full legal name. DO NOT use nicknames, initials, or abbreviations). Last ______________________________________________________ First _______________________________________ Middle _______________ AgeBirthdate Birthplace Occupation RESIDENCE ADDRESS (Legal/permanent address. DO NOT use P.O. Box Number) Number & Street City State Zip I have lived at this address since _____________________________ (if less than 2 years, show previous address below.) Number & Street __________________________________________________ City _______________________ State ___________ Zip __________ Number & Street __________________________________________________ City _______________________ State ___________ Zip __________ When did your present stay in California begin? (State month/day/year) ___________________________________________________________ *NOTICE TO STUDENTS: If additional information is needed to determine your residence status, you will be required to complete a supplemental residence questionnaire and/or to present evidence in accordance with Education Code Sections 68040 et seq. The burden of proof to clearly demonstrate both physical presence in California and intent to establish California Residence lies with the student. Failure to present such proof will result in a classification of non-resident. Yes No Are you a United States Citizen? If you are not a United States citizen, have you been admitted to the U.S. as a resident alien? If yes, give Date Admitted _______________________________ and Alien Registration Number _________________________________ If no, list visa type (example: B-2, Visitor visa—dependent), duration of status, and country of citizenship: Visa Type ____________________ Duration of Status __________________ Country of Citizenship _______________________________ Verification of visa status is required. Students must present proof of status. Did you file California State income tax last year? If not California, in what state did you last file state taxes? ____________________________ For what year(s) ________________ Have you or (if you are under 19 and unmarried) your parents: Registered to vote in a state other than California? If yes, where and when? ______________________________________________ Petitioned for divorce in a state other than California? If yes, where and when? ____________________________________________ Attended an out-of-state institution as a resident of that other state? If yes, where and when? ________________________________ Declared nonresidence for California State Income Tax purposes? If yes, where and when? ___________________________________ Are you on active military duty? If yes, what date did your tour begin in California? (month/day/year) _____________________________________________________ State of legal residence on military records: __________________________________________________________________________ Are you a dependent of an active duty military person? __________________________________________________________________ If yes, when did your sponsor’s tour begin in California? (month/day/year) ________________________________________________ Have you been discharged from active duty within the last year? If yes, submit copy of DD-214 TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL UNMARRIED STUDENTS UNDER 19 NAME OF FATHER (if living) ____________________________________________________ Occupation _________________________________ NAME OF MOTHER (if living) ____________________________________________________ Occupation _________________________________ NAME OF LEGAL GUARDIAN ___________________________________________________ Occupation _________________________________ RESIDENCE ADDRESS (Number & Street, City, State, Zip)* DATES (month/year) *Father ________________________________________________________________________________________ From ________ To __________ *Mother ________________________________________________________________________________________ From ________ To __________ *Guardian From To If less than 2 years, give previous address(es) for past 2 years. Relationship No. & Street City _____________ State Zip From To Relationship _________ No. & Street ____________________ City _____________ State _________ Zip ___________ From _____ To ______ I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE INFORMATION ON THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT AND I UNDERSTAND THAT FALSIFICATION OR FAILURE TO REPORT CHANGE IN RESIDENCE MAY RESULT IN MY DISMISSAL. Student Signature ______________________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________ FEE WAIVER APPLICATION This is an application to have your enrollment fees waived. This FEE WAIVER is for California residents only. If you need money to help with books, supplies, food, rent, transporation and other costs, please complete a FREE APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL STUDENT AID (FAFSA) right away. Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information. It’s OK to file both this form (for quick action) and the FAFSA (to be considered for more money). Cailfornia Community Colleges BOARD OF GOVERNORS FEE WAIVER APPLICATION Revised 2003-2004 GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Social Security No.: E-mail (if available):_______________________________________________________ Phone No.: (______)____________________ Address: Date of Birth: Marital Status: Single Married Divorced Separated Widowed Has the Admissions or the Registrar’s Office determined that you are a California resident? Yes No NOTE: Students who are exempted from paying nonresident tuition under Education Code Section 68130.5 are not California residents. If you are not a California resident, you are not eligible for this fee waiver. Do not complete this application. You can still file the FAFSA to be evaluated for other aid. Please get a FAFSA and complete it. Last First M.I. Street City State Zip DEPENDENCY STATUS 1. Were you born before January 1, 1980? Yes No 2. As of today, are you married? (Answer "YES" if you are separated, but not divorced). Yes No 3. Do you have children who receive more than half of their support from you or other dependents who live with you (other than your children and spouse) who receive more than half of their support from you? Yes No 4. Are you an orphan or a ward of the court, or were you a ward of the court until your 18th birthday? 5. Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces? • If you answered “Yes ” to any of the questions 1- 5, you are considered an INDEPENDENT student and must provide income and household information about yourself (and your spouse, if you are married). Skip to METHOD A below. • If you answered “No ” to all questions 1-5, complete the following questions: 6. If your parent(s) filed or will file a 2002 U.S. Income Tax Return, were you, or will you be claimed on their tax return as an exemption by either or both of your parents? Yes No Parent(s) won’t file 7. Do you live with one or both of your parent(s)? Yes No • If you answered “No ” to questions 1–5 and “Yes” to either questions 6 or 7, you must provide income household information about your PARENT(s). Please answer questions for a DEPENDENT student in the sections that follow. • If you answered “No ” or “Parent(s) won’t file” to question 6 and “No” to question 7, you are a DEPENDENT student for all student aid except this fee waiver. You may answer questions as an INDEPENDENT student on the rest of this application, but please try to get your PARENT information and file a FAFSA so you may be considered for other student aid. You cannot get other student aid without your parent(s) information. Talk to the Financial Aid staff if you think you have special circumstances. Yes No Yes No METHOD A 8. Are you currently receiving monthly cash assistance from: (To be answered by all students, dependent and independent.) TANF/CalWORKs? Yes No SSI/SSP? Yes No General Assistance? Yes No 9. If you are a dependent student, are your parent(s) receiving TANF/CalWORKs or SSI/SSP as their sole source of income? Yes No 10. Do you have certification from the California Department of Veterans Affairs or the National Guard Adjutant General that you are eligible for a dependent’s fee waiver? Yes No 11. Are you eligible as a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor or as a child of a recipient, or a dependent of a victim of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack? Yes No 12. Are you eligible as a dependent of a deceased law enforcement/fire suppression personnel killed in the line of duty? Yes No • If you answered “Yes” to question 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 you are eligible for a FEE WAIVER. Sign the certification at the end of this form. You are required to show proof of benefits. Ask the Financial Aid Office for instructions. • If you answered “No” to all questions (8, 9, 10, 11 and 12) continue to Method B. FEE WAIVER APPLICATION METHOD B 12. DEPENDENT STUDENT: How many persons are in your parent(s) household? (Include yourself, your parent(s) and anyone who lives with your parent(s) and receives more than 50% of their support from your parents.) ____________________ 13. INDEPENDENT STUDENT: How many persons are in your household? (Include yourself, your spouse and anyone who lives with you and receives more than 50% of their support from you.) ___________________ DEPENDENT STUDENT: INDEPENDENT STUDENT: PARENT(S) INCOME STUDENT (AND SPOUSE"S) INCOME 14. 2002 Income information: a. Adjusted Gross Income $ _____________________ $__________________ (If 2002 U.S. Income Tax Return was filed, enter the amount from Form 1040, Line 35; Form 1040A, Line 21; Form 1040EZ, Line 4 or Telefile, line 1). b. All Other Income $______________________ $__________________ (Include ALL money received in 2002 that is not included in line (a) above.) 15. TOTAL Income for 2002 (Sum of a. + b.) $______________________ $__________________ The Financial Aid Office will review your income and let you know if you qualify for an automatic FEE WAIVER. Even if you do not qualify using this simple method, you should file a FAFSA. Many, many students do not qualify under Method A or Method B, but still qualify for a FEE WAIVER and MORE FINANCIAL AID by filing the FAFSA. The Financial Aid Office will give you forms and information. CERTIFICATION FOR ALL APPLICANTS: READ THIS STATEMENT AND SIGN BELOW I hereby swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that all information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If asked by an authorized official, I agree to give proof, which may include a copy of my and/or my parent’s 2002 U.S. Income Tax Return. I also realize that any false statement or failure to give proof when asked may be cause for the denial, reduction, withdrawal and/or repayment of my waiver. I authorize release of information regarding this application between the College, the College District, and the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges. Applicant’s Signature Date Parent’s Signature Date (Dependent students only) This application will only waive your fees. Please file an application for additional student aid. To see if you qualify for more aid, complete a FAFSA. The FAFSA is available at the Financial Aid Office or at www.fafsa.ed.gov FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Check one of the following: NOTES BOGFW-A TANF/CalWORKs GA SSI/SSP VET/NG DEP MEDAL of HONOR or 9/11 DEPENDENT Dependent of deceased law enforcement/fire suppres. personnel BOGFW-B BOGFW-C Student is not eligible CERTIFIED BY: DATE: FEE PAYMENT / PARKING PERMIT FORMSFEE PAYMENT / PARKING PERMIT FORMS FEE PAYMENT FORM: Return this form with check / money order payable to Ventura College. First Name Last Name Social Security/Student ID Number Date of Birth FEES ENCLOSED AMOUNT OFFICE USE ONLY Enrollment: $18 per unit x ______ number of units = Nonresident Tuition: $149 per unit x ______ number of units = International Student Tuition: $163 per unit x ______ number of units = Health Fee: $12 per semester $12 Parking Fee: $40 per semester or $20 for BOGW recipients Materials Fee: ( if applicable per schedule) ASB Fee: $6 a semester, $10 a year / not available for summer Student Center Fee: $1.00 per unit, not to exceed $10 per academic year. OTHER: TOTAL Date registered with WebSTAR/STAR: (Mo./Day/Yr.):________________Telephone Number:_____________________ Method of Payment: (check one) Check Money Order Credit card VISA / Mastercard number only:__________________________________________ Exp. Date:________________ Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have a Financial Aid Award? Yes No If yes, indicate type: BOGW PELL GRANT LOAN OTHER DON’T KNOW Please do not send cash. Return this form with check, money order or credit card information and signature to: Ventura College Student Business Office (VCSBO), 4667 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA 93003. Allow extra time for mailing. PARKING PERMIT REQUEST Why Wait in Line? Mail request to the Ventura College Student Business Office at least 14 days prior to the start of school. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. DATE:_________________________ SOC SEC # OR STUDENT ID:_____________________________________ NAME:____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________________________________ #1 PERMIT #2 PERMIT - SUBMIT A COPY OF CAR REGISTRATION LICENSE PLATE#1:_____________________________ LICENSE PLATE#2: ____________________________ MAKE:__________________________ YEAR:_______ MAKE:__________________________ YEAR:______ OFFICE USE ONLY: PERMIT #1:___________________ OFFICE USE ONLY: PERMIT #2:__________________ FEE(S) REFUND FORM FEE(S) REFUND FORM Fee(s) Refund Request Form THIS IS NOT A CLASS DROP REQUEST! STUDENTS MUST DROP THEIR CLASS(ES) BY THE CREDIT DEADLINE BEFORE A REFUND CAN BE ISSUED. Date: _________ OFFICE WILL COMPLETE ___ Enrollment Fee Amount $_____________ *Deduct: Administrative Fee $_____________-10.00 ___ ASB Card $_____________ ___ Health Fee $_____________ ___ Material Fee -Subject___________________________ ___ Non-Resident Tuition (prorated). See page 74 . ___ Parking Fee (Permit Attached) ___ Student Center Fee $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ ___ Web Registration Fee - nonrefundable ___ Other_______________________________________ $_____________ $_____________ TOTAL REFUND $_____________ *A refund from a dropped class will be charged a $10.00 administrative fee once per semester. ___Overpaid ___BOGW ___3rd Party ___Cancelled Class ___Dropped Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Name (print):_______________________________________________________________________________________ Social Security Number/Student I.D. #: ___ ___ ___ -___ ___ -___ ___ ___ ___ Phone #:____________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: CHECKS ARE COMPUTER-GENERATED. YOUR ADDRESS MUST BE ACCURATE IN THE ADMISSIONS & RECORDS OFFICE! A refund check will be mailed. Please allow 4-5 weeks for receipt of your refund. Options for Refund: Bring this request to the Ventura College Student Business Office or Mail this request to Ventura College Student Business Office (VCSBO), 4667 Telegraph Rd., Ventura, CA 93003 or Fax this request to: (805) 648-8950, Alternate number: (805) 654-6466. Please credit my credit card: Acct #: ______________________________________________ Exp. date:____________ Credit Card Signature:________________________________________________________________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY Verification / Office:_________________________________________ Date:_________________ Refund Processed by:________________________________________ Date:_________________ Amount $_________________________ Check No.________________ Date:_________________ FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION DIRECTORY FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION DIRECTORY To reach any of the extensions from off-campus: first dial 654-6400; on-campus dial extension only; or if an instructor is not listed, dial 654-6400 and use the dial-by-name option. A 8985 ........ Adlman, Andrea ................ SCI-356 3197 ........ Aiello, Paul ....................... Q-19 1307 ........ Anderson, Diane ............... P-22 1206 ........ Anderson, Lisa ................. SCI-243 3213 ........ Anglin, Gary ...................... C-33 1384 ........ Arce, Robert ...................... F-210 8963 ........ Archibald, Jan ................... SCI-336 2221 ........ Armstrong, Dianne ........... OT-29 1215 ........ Arquilevich, Gabriel ......... OT-21 B 8934 ........ Baratte, Larry .................... POOL 1312 ........ Barlow-Palo, Linda ........... P-21 1244 ........ Barsch, Jeffrey ................. U-7 3125 ........ Beem, Joan ....................... O-105 3257 ........ Breslin, David ................... D-21C C 6460 ........ Calderón, Larry ................. A Bldg. 1272 ........ Capuano-Brewer, Lucy .... U-6 3217 ........ Carrasco, Marian .............. E Bldg. 1248 ........ Carriger, James ................ K-14 6584 ........ Castor, Peggy ................... *EC 6302 ........ Chaparro, Robert .............. FS 1306 ........ Coltrin, Carol .................... SCI-245 6326 ........ Cosentino, Lydia ............... AA-12 6304 ........ Cota, Aseneth ................... E Bldg. 6387 ........ Curiel, Sandra .................. B Bldg. D 3233 ........ deCierdo, Marcelino ......... A-40 1275 ........ deJesus, Marta ................. SCI-319 1355 ........ de la Peña, Karen ............ U-5 6315 ........ de la Rocha, Mayo ........... OT-1 3134 ........ deLa Selva, Aurora .......... A-40 1339 ........ Doreo, David ..................... SCI-201 F 3234 ........ Farris, David ..................... A-33 6368 ........ Faulconer-Boger, Kate ..... Y Bldg. 6447 ........ Ferguson, Jeff ................... U-8 6398 ........ Fernandez, Ralph ............. SCI-202 3235 ........ Fredrickson, Nancy .......... C-31 1277 ........ Freixas, Marta .................. SCI-241 1309 ........ Frenette, Joyce ................. P-4 G 1392 ........ Gallaway, Sara Essa ........ U-10 3236 ........ Garey, Judith .................... G-132 1324 ........ Glover, Mark ..................... AA-10 3230 ........ Goff, Richard ..................... CR-112 3143 ........ Gorback, Karen .............. 71 DayRd. 6585 ........ Guillen, Guadalupe .......... EC H 1265 ........ Hall, Luke .......................... SCI-120 3223 ........ Hendricks, Bill .................. CR-116 1330 ........ Herrera, Bea ..................... DP Bldg. 3127 ........ Hisayasu, Glenn ............... C-31 6349 ........ Hull, Becky ........................ E Bldg. J 3221 ........ James, Ralph .................... A -43 1245 ........ Jeffreys, Iva ...................... K-18 3222 ........ Johnson, Paulette ............ A-34 K 1213 ........ Khanjian, Ara .................... K-17 3132 ........ Kim, Henny ....................... OT-20 6354 ........ Kimberling, Tom ............... A Bldg. 1251 ........ Kinghorn, Sandra ............. K-22 1287 ........ Kobayashi, Joy ................. SCI-344 6394 ........ Koerner, Raeann .............. C-13 3205 ........ Korn, Harry ....................... P-7 1259 ........ Kumpf, Dan ....................... SCI-242 L 3149 ........ Latham, Nancy .................. FL 8920 ........ Lawson, Robert ................. G-127 1314 ........ Leifur, Janet ...................... P-23 1387 ........ Lew, Warren ...................... K-23 3261 ........ Lupton, Jeri ....................... SCI-317 M 6455 ........ MacConnaire, Lyn ............ A Bldg. 3200 ........ Madsen, Amy .................... OT-24 6366 ........ Mansfield, Casey .............. AA-9 1389 ........ Manson, Larry ................... OT 05 3229 ........ Marquez, Greg .................. DP 1282 ........ Matthews-Morales, Lydia SCI-239 1368 ........ Millea, Michelle ................ SCI-200 1305 ........ Miller, Jude ....................... P-20 3245 ........ Mircetic, Ned .................... C-11 1303 ........ Mitchell, Nancy Rae ......... O-115 6468 ........ Moore, Diane .................... D Bldg. 8984 ........ Moore, Lauri...................... OT-03 3237 ........ Morris, Terry ..................... C Bldg. 6470 ........ Mortensen, Jerry .............. Q Bldg. 1297 ........ Moskowitz, Robert............ OT-16 1354 ........ Mundell, Meredith ............ P-19 3144 ........ Munoz, Paula .................... A-31 N 1217 ........ Nasri, Farzeen .................. P-5 O 1252 ........ Oliver, David ..................... SCI-340 1283 ........ O’Neill, Earl ...................... SCI-357 1394 ........ Orr, Dorothy ...................... CR-114 P 1358 ........ Palafox, John .................... U-9 1365 ........ Palladino, Steve ............... SCI-111 1357 ........ Pardee, Terry .................... SCI-320 1359 ........ Pauley, Mark ..................... SCI-238 1329 ........ Peinado, Kelly .................. OT-25 3105 ........ Penuela, Alan ................... S-13 1311 ........ Peter, Claudia ................... O-117 2471 ........ Porter, Robert ................... P-6 Q 2286 ........ Quint, Richard .................. SCI-355 1240 ........ Quon, Steve ...................... SCI-208 R 2277 ........ Rabe, Scot ........................ SCI-203 6339 ........ Renger, Robert ................. SCI-313 1386 ........ Rivere, Edelwina .............. Q-18 3202 ........ Robinson, J.A. .................. OT-17 3246 ........ Rockwood, Charles .......... S-11 3215 ........ Rosales, George .............. C-29 3147 ........ Rovai, Linda ...................... FL 6587 ........ Rubenstein, Linda ............ *EC 1241 ........ Rush, Patricia ................... F-207C S 1207 ........ Sandford, Arthur ............... F-207A 1390 ........ Schoenrock, Kathryn ....... OT-28 3195 ........ Scott, Kathleen ................. OT-30 3219 ........ Simmons, Zeak ................ E-25 1391 ........ Slaton, Alice ...................... OT-07 1304 ........ Smith, Carol ...................... O-113 6464 ........ Smith, Joan ....................... A Bldg. 1356 ........ Stauffer, Jeffery ................ U-11 6302 ........ Suel, Tim ........................... FS Bldg. T 3210 ........ Taft, Burns ......................... G-136 8954 ........ Thieman, William ............. SCI-315 1286 ........ Thomassin, Steven .......... SCI-322 6348 ........ Tobias, Steve .................... C Bldg. 6491 ........ Toth, Myra ......................... CR-113 6415 ........ Turner, Steve .................... FL V 3194 ........ Varela, Jay ........................ G-13 1395 ........ Ventura, Deborah ............. OT-26 1219 ........ Vrajich, Nick ..................... AA-13 W 6583 ........ Wagner, John .................... *EC 1264 ........ Waltzer, Simon ................. AA-11 1228 ........ Weinstock, Carol .............. TR-4 3151 ........ Wendt, Patricia ................. FL 1322 ........ Winslow, Greg .................. C-29 3204 ........ Wymer, George ................ OT-18 Y 3225 ........ Yoshimoto, Hiroko ............ CR-107 Z 1313 ...... Zacharias, Mary ............ O-116 *EC - East Campus 115 Dean Dr., Suite A, Santa Paula Special thanks to the following faculty, staff and students for their help in translating this schedule. Muchisimas gracias a los colegas por su ayuda traduciendo el Ventura College Schedule of Classes. Susan Bricker Robin Douglas Kim Fuhrmann Eva Gallardo Guadalupe Guillan Angelica Ramos-Navarro Maiya Rodriguez Rosie Stutts Bea Zizumbo Campus Services Campus Services DIRECTORY OF CAMPUS SERVICES To Contact the Ventura College Campus From: Ventura, Ojai, Saticoy: 654-6400 / Fax: 654-6466 • Oxnard, Camarillo, Port Hueneme: 986-5855 Agoura, Moorpark, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks: 378-1500 • Fillmore, Santa Paula: 656-0546 Academic Divisions Arts & Sciences: 654-6339 Business: 654-6400 x3137 Crim. Justice, Music & Tech.: 654-6372 Health & Human Performance: 654-6348 Health Sciences: 654-6342 Liberal Arts & Learning Resources: 654-6468 Reserve Academy: 987-7413 Social Sciences & Languages: 654-6315 Admissions and Records Admin. Bldg. Phone: (805) 654-6457 Hours: M-Th 7:30am-7:30pm Friday 7:30am-2:00pm www.venturacollege.edu/admissions/index.htm Alternate Text Production Center Y Bldg. (Annex): 648-8927 Hours: M-F 8:00am-5:00pm www.atpcnet.net Assessment Guthrie Hall: 654-6402 Hours: M-Th 8:30am-5:30pm Friday 8:00am-2:30pm www.venturacollege.edu/matriculation/ activities.htm Associated Students of Ventura College B Bldg.: 654-6400 x1328 Hours: M-Th 9:00am-7:00pm Athletics C Bldg.: 654-6400 x3102 Hours: M-F 8:00am-5:00pm http://athletics.venturacollege.edu Bookstore (Pirates' Cove) E Bldg.: 654-6485 Hours: M-Th 7:45am-7:00pm Friday 7:45am-1:00pm Canon Copy Center B Bldg.: 642-6911 Hours: M-Th 7:00am-7:00pm Friday 9:30am-1:30pm Copies may also be made in the Library Career Center E Bldg.: 654-6411 Hours: M-F 9:00am-3:00pm Child Development Center CDC Bldg.: 648-8930 Hours: M-F 8:15am-5:30pm www.venturacollege.edu/childdevcenter/index.htm Community Education Y Bldg.: 654-6459 Hours: M-F 8:00am-5:00pm www.venturacollege.edu/communityed/ index.htm Counseling Admin. Bldg.: 654-6448 Hours: M-Th 8:00am-8:00pm Friday 8:00am-4:00pm www.venturacollege.edu/counseling/index.htm East Campus 115 Dean Drive, Suite A: 525-7136 Hours: M-Th 8:00am-7:00pm Friday 8:00am-2:30pm www.venturacollege.edu/offcampus Educational Assistance Center FL Bldg.: 654-6300 TDD only: 642-4583 Hours: M-Th 8:00am-7:00pm Friday 8:00am-2:00pm http://www.venturacollege.edu/eacenter/index.htm EOPS FS Bldg.: 654-6302 Hours: M-Th 8:00am-7:00pm Friday 8:00am-2:30pm www.venturacollege.edu/eops/index.htm Executive Offices Administration Building President: 654-6460 Executive Vice President: 654-6464 Vice President: 654-6354 Financial Aid FS Bldg.: 654-6369 Hours: M, W, Th 8:30am-3:30pm Tues. 8:30am-7:00pm Friday closed www.venturacollege.edu and click on Financial Aid in the "Quick Links" Food Services B Bldg.: 654-6475 Hours: M-Th 7:00am-8:45pm Friday 7:00am-2:00pm Satellite by UV Bldg.: Hours: M-F 8:00am-1:00pm M-Th 4:00pm-8:15pm Internet Café B Bldg. Hours: M-F 7:00am-9:00pm International Students TR-3 Bldg.: 654-6313 Hours: M-Th 8:00am-5:00pm Friday 8:00am-2:30pm www.venturacollege.edu/ internationalstudent/index.htm Institute for Community & Professional Development Y Bldg.: 648-8904 Hours: M-F 8:00am-5:00pm http://www.venturacollege.edu/ businesscommunity/index.htm Learning Center F Bldg.: 654-6400 x3232 Hours: M-Th 7:30am-8:30pm Friday 7:30am-1:30pm Library D Bldg.: 654-6482 Hours: M-Th 7:30am-9:00pm Friday 7:30am-2:30pm www.venturacollege.edu/drhenry/index.htm Lost and Found Campus Police Orientation (New Students) Contact the Counseling Office in Admin. Bldg.: 654-6448 www.venturacollege.edu/matriculation/activities.htm Parking Permits E Bldg.: 654-6486 Pick up permits in Student Business Office Registration & Grades Online: www.venturacollege.edu/webstar Phone: 654-6457 Scholarships B Bldg.: 654-6461 Ventura College Foundation Hours: M-Th 9:00am-12:00noon 1:00pm-3:00pm www.venturacollege.edu/foundation/ index.htm Student Activities & Student Services Office B Bldg.: 654-6487 Hours: M-Th 9:00am-7:00pm Student Business Office B Bldg.: 654-6488 Fax: (805) 648-8950 Hours: Mon., Tues. 7:30am-6:30pm Friday 7:30am-2:30pm Student Development Admin. Bldg.: 654-6455 Hours: M-Th 8:00am-5:00pm Friday 8:00am-2:30pm Student Health Center C Bldg.: 654-6346 Hours: Mon. & Wed. 9:00am-3:00pm; Tues. & Thurs 1:00pm-7:00pm Friday 9:00am-1:00pm www.venturacollege.edu/ studenthealthcenter/index.htm Student Payroll E Bldg.: 654-6400 x1351 Hours: M-Th 9:30am-5:30pm Friday 9:30am-1:30pm Switchboard A Bldg.: 654-6400 Fax: (805) 654-6466 Hours: M-Th 7:00am-8:00pm Friday 7:00am-5:00pm Transfer Center E Bldg.: 654-6473 Hours: M-F 9:00am-3:00pm Transcripts & Records Admin. Bldg.: 654-6457 Hours: M-Th 7:30am-7:30pm Friday 7:30am-2:30pm www.venturacollege.edu/admissions/ transcripts.htm Tutoring Center Guthrie Hall Bldg.: 648-8926 Hours: M-Th 9:00am-7:00pm Friday 9:00am-1:00pm www.venturacollege.edu/tutoring Ventura College Theatre G Bldg.(Loma Vista Rd.): 654-6307 Veteran's Affairs Admin. Bldg.: 654-6457 Women's & Re-entry Center B Bldg.: 654-6365 Hours: M-Th 8:30am-4:30pm Friday 8:30am-3:00pm www.venturacollege.edu/womensreentry/index.htm All phone numbers use (805) area code 110 " class="hidden">360健康